Greens should be taken out of Government, page-4

  1. 15,271 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    You are so right Starwoman in all you say. We have in Pauline Hanson and her fellow One Nation members representatives who truly speak and act for Australia and us her people. They shall be magnificent and fearless advocates for our country, our culture, our mores and our way of life.

    You are right too that our country, because of the high - octane foreign - culture immigration of the last several decades, has become less cohesive, less harmonious as a society and most certainly less safe. Public/ social trust is diminished and there are many places in our two largest cities and perhaps in Brisbane too where no Australian would wish to go either because it is literally so completely foreign and alien and feels nothing like Australia or that it is ( as well ) a place of danger and menace.

    Our nation's lamentable multicultural immigration policy , like the immigration policies of our kinship nations , is a massive failure and it has inflicted on our society no end of ills. It is a giant wrecking ball which has allowed masses from second and third rate cultures to get into our country and bring with them too all their corruption, their menace,criminal ways and all manner of rotten ruinous social and cultural baggage.

    As to the Greens, you are right; they are a disgrace to themselves and to this country. They so hate our nation, our traditions, our heritage and in fact all of our Western inheritance ( all of which they seek to undermine ) that they truly are not fit to be in Parliament.
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