JMS 0.00% 14.5¢ jupiter mines limited.

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  1. 8,117 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 578
    6 x leverage on oppies atm sure thing here.......recent ann.s show some real value yet JMS seems to have been forgotten 20c it's seriusly undervalued....2 great ann.s in one week cool....

    The oppies should match the SP exactly now as there is 2 months to leverage of about 6 X atm...

    Some good short term gains to be made here on both heads and oppies between now and christmas.



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Mkt cap ! $284.3M
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14.5¢ 14.8¢ 14.0¢ $701.6K 4.833M

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25 3744792 14.0¢

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14.5¢ 355861 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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