Short Term Trading Week Starting: 10 Oct, page-11

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    Weekly Fundamental and Technical Analysis Prospects - Week Starting 9th Oct 2016 (No. 236)

    Here’s this week’s FA and TA List. The newer items first and those carried forward from last week towards back of list (some of the items from last week have a time horizon of more that one week).
    All listed market caps are undiluted (and do not include escrowed shares) (Note: Max time for any entry on list will be 4 weeks after which time it will be removed).

    Important Note: Remember just because it appears on the list does not necessarily mean it will rise in price... it may actually fall or do nothing. So it is critical that you perform detailed research on each stock first and make your own mind up to whether invest or not. I suggest you run a stop-loss at all times when trading/investing. How tight your stops are depends on your threshold to risk and financial pain. Lastly I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided by the Hotcopper posters that have contributed leads/tips to the Short Term Trading Competitions below as I do not have the time, nor resources to research and verify the information that has been provided by them. Best of Luck.!

    Weekly Fundamental Analysis Prospects

    BMT - Gold abd Base Metals in WA [10/10/2016]
    (ASX: BERKUT MINERALS LTD (ASX BMT) SP: 26.5c MC: $8.656 Million Cash $ 3.5Million as at 8th September Shares: 32.67Million Berkut Minerals Limited (“Berkut”) is a Perth-based mineral exploration company established with the purpose of acquiring, exploring and developing gold and other mineral deposits. The Company is currently working on three projects. Earning 70% of the Cairn Hill project 40km WNW of Paraburdoo. Significant gold intersections include 20m @ 29g/t Au from 30m1 100% owned Mt Clement Project (under application) prospective for gold and base metals 35km SW of Paulsens Gold Mine 100% owned Capricorn Li Project (under application) Historic exploration has identified Li anomalism in lag sampling over an area 18km x 4km Proposed work program: The proposed work program for the Cairn Hill Project will include a drilling program to commence during October 2016 which will be in two parts. Initially diamond drilling will be undertaken in the area of the significant intersections identified in historic drill holes CHR007 (20m @ 29g/t gold from 30m) and CHR010 (6m @12g/t gold from 142m)1 to provide physical sample for further geophysical and geological characterisation work and to verify historic work. The second part of the program will be to use RC drilling to test a number of the targets identified by the GAIP survey. In the first instance Targets 1 and 2 as defined above, and then with consideration of the geophysical and geological characteristics defined from the core drilling, test the remaining GAIP targets as ranked by the results from the test work. About Cairn Hill The Cairn Hill Project (E08/2248) is located approximately 40km WNW of Paraburdoo in the Ashburton Region of Western Australia. Berkut has entered into a farm-in agreement to acquire 70% of the project. The project area was most intensively explored over the period 1998 to 2006 by JV between Newcrest Sipa and Bacome. Subsequent work has for the most part been limited to desktop studies. Significant gold intersections from historic drilling have not been fully explained or tested and Berkut believes the project has the potential to host economic gold mineralisation. Mt Clement / Capricorn Projects The 100% owned Mt Clement and Capricorn Projects remain as tenement applications and are moving through the grant process. Berkut plans to undertake preliminary geological mapping and hammer prospecting at Mt Clement in October with a reconnaissance field trip planned to the Capricorn Project in November. Please DYOR as this is not a buy or sell recommendation Cheers GF Help end Homelessness and Domestic Violence
    Poster: gamefisherman (STT Accuracy: 34% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $8.7m)

    BMP - Online real estate company [10/10/2016]
    (ASX: BUYMYPLACE.COM.AU ) SP: 40c MC: $22.05 Million Cash $ 2,473,299Million as at 30th June 2016 Shares: 55,142,562 Top 20: 30,883,503 or 56% buyMyplace (ASX: BMP) is an online real estate company enabling Australians to sell their homes without paying fees and commissions to real estate agents. The company was established to capitalise on an anticipated trend in the Australian property market of selling homes privately online, mirroring the adoption of this practice in the US, Canada and Europe. The business model has been validated with over 3,000 customers having sold their own properties using buyMyplace since 2009, representing circa $1.5 billion in property sales. buyMyplace generates revenues by charging an up-front listing fixed fee plus a range of additional services, which incorporate a margin on prices charged to the vendor. buyMyplace holds real estate licenses in every state of Australia and customers can choose from four packages providing an automatic listing on major property portals and, a ‘for sale’ signboard, brochure ware plus unlimited free online and telephone support until sold. Up to seven additional portals are available to vendors as well as a range of additional products and services is also available, including professional photography, negotiation support, auctioneers.... BMP recently received a Speeding Ticket from the ASX (Speeding Ticket from ASX) Annual Report: (Annual Report FY16) (25 July 2016 BUYMYPLACE ACHIEVES RECORD QUARTER WITH 44% REVENUE GROWTH AND HITS $1.5BILLION IN PROPERTY SALES) ( buyMyplace listed on the ASX in March 2016 with the share price doubling within weeks in a climate where bricks and mortar real estate agents were losing ground on their share price) Please DYOR as this is not a buy or sell recommendation Cheers GF bmp snip2.PNG bmp snip3.PNG bmpsnip1 8.10.16.PNG bmpsnip4.PNG Help end Homelessness and Domestic Violence 10
    Poster: gamefisherman (STT Accuracy: 34% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $22.1m)

    FFT - Tech - fibre optic intrusion detection security systems [10/10/2016]
    FFT – Fibre Optic intrusion detection technology. Shares 122m MC $28m @ 23c Cash $12m and no debt Established company with proven technology and products. (intrusion detection tech – pipelines and processing facilities, utility/plant perimeters, solar, rail etc.) Has hundreds of installations across 55 countries. Their existing clients were largely related to the O&G sector….. so they were reliant on the oil price stabilising to bring a lot of their existing new installation deals back online.……..well crude just cracked $50! However, to enable them to be less reliant on O&G sector they recently appointed more sales staff to expand their clientele. Just secured 2 new clients for $900k worth (see below) "Future Fibre Technologies Limited (FFT) financial results during the year ended 30 June 2016 (FY2016) were adversely impacted by difficult trading conditions and commercial events that resulted in delayed implementation of certain growth initiatives. Whilst delivering strong revenues in the first half of FY2016, our second half result was impacted by reductions in government spending in the Middle East slowing rollout schedules for a number of significant projects and contracts. We believe the spending reductions were a function of weaker and volatile oil prices. Importantly, FFT remains well positioned to implement these projects and contracts in the future and maintains a number of strong sales opportunities for when oil prices stabilise and improve." "While the delay of large oil and gas projects impacted our conversion of opportunities to revenue in the second half of FY2016, we expect that a more stable oil price will result in the commencement of a number of these delayed projects. Until then, we are focusing most of our sales resources on markets that are not impacted by oil and gas market volatility." 42618 FFT secures new orders in excess of A$900,000 New perimeter security contract for rail extension project in SE Asia Order for multiple Secure Point controllers to protect 16 new US solar parks Growing demand from US utility sector driven by a Government legislation Future Fibre Technologies Limited (ASX: FFT), a global leader in fibre optic intrusion detection systems, today announced that it has secured two important new perimeter security contracts valued at over A$900,000, reflecting the investments in new sales headcount. I believe this could be the first of many and possibly more to come in the near future? Has come from $1.20 to 18c this year. Lots of volume recently. Stopping volume. (see charts on TA tip) Definitely one to watch. I’ve taken a small pilot just in case they announce another major contract but will continue to add if/when the FA/TA play out together. Please DYOR and fact check. The glass is neither half full nor half empty......The glass is merely bigger than it needs to be!
    Poster: FreeYourself (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $29.4m)

    WPG - Gold Producer in SA [10/10/2016]
    Emerging Gold Producer in South Australia Market Cap $53.5m @ 7.8c, diluted Mcap $58.5m, Cash estimated at $10m, EV $43.5m, Diluted EV $48.5m (-2.5m option cash). Tipping this one again, was unsuccessful last time. Catalyst: Potential for positive information to be released in investor presentation when MD speaks at 121 Mining Investment HK Conference (19 - 20 Oct), and the associated investor interest. TYX who are exploring for gold in a JV with WPG also presenting. Thanks to FullMoonFever for the heads up about the conference. AGM is on Thursday this week which could also see some news on current production and expected costs. From a FA perspective if WPG make the transition from developer to producer without too many issues then based on producing peers with similar sized resources it is undervalued. Most of the decent ones have market caps above 100m. WPG now fully own Challenger and have been pouring since May, 50koz target production from Challenger and 20koz from Tarcoola once developed later this year. Other tidbits: MD Bob has done it before. He developed an Iron Ore asset and sold it at the peak of the cycle then gave the money back to shareholders. Someone keeps exercising options that are ever so slightly out of the money. I am guessing this is for tax planning purposes? Or they want to increase the company’s cash though the company have stated they are fully funded after the last raise. The share price didn’t retrace to the last raising price. TYX are currently running an extensive drilling program including the JV tenements. Considerations: Gold price AISC for Challenger is not known, I believe KCN were somewhere running around 1300 in the last info they released Potential limited mine life and/or Challenger becoming uneconomical Of WPG’s 960koz total estimated resource 580koz is at Tunkilla which there are no immediate plans for due to low grade They will have to spend 4m developing Tarcoola (they should be fine to fund this, at a guess they might end up with a combined AISC of ~1200)
    Poster: ArthurDent (STT Accuracy: 30.8% - Ranking No.39 ) (Mcap: $53.5m)

    AVI - Gold and Lithium in Finland, Copper in Sweden [10/10/2016]
    Gold and Lithium in Finland, Copper in Sweden Market cap 12.5m @ 2.4c, Diluted Market cap 16m, Cash 2.4m as per presentation 28/08 Drilling for gold and lithium in Finland. First drill holes from each prospect were not received well by the market. Further gold (6 holes) and lithium (5 holes) assays are expected soon. Kietyönmäki Lithium – 12/09 upload_2016-10-9_8-27-47.png Kietyönmäki Gold – 22/09 upload_2016-10-9_8-27-59.png Tipping on the basis that any positive news from the expected assays could see the share price move the required amount for a successful tip. Share price seems to have found support at 2.4c, at least for the last week and a half. On a side note they have a 52mt copper asset for which a scoping study has been completed. Considerations: Cap raising done at 1.6c in July - Hartleys Copper asset not feasible at current prices Sovereign risk
    Poster: ArthurDent (STT Accuracy: 30.8% - Ranking No.39 ) (Mcap: $12.5m)

    AIK - Finance Lease Business [7/10/2016]
    Market Cap $148 m, Current share price? 0.165/0.170 Shares on issue 873,755,933 AIK Armidale Investment Corp is a LIC, but underneath the hood it is a Finance Lease Business. Armidale Investment Corporation is building a major asset finance business and are acquiring a broker distribution network. Because it is currently a LIC, the underlying assets are valued using DCF and an unrealistically high Discount Rate (19%). It is highly likely that they will restructure the business from a LIC to a company, and the look through financials will result in a genuine rerate of the company by the market. On a technical note, average daily volumes are up, and and the price is popping post capital raising
    Poster: starsky (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $90.9m)

    ARD - Gold, Silver and Base metals in NSW and WA [7/10/2016]
    ASX: Argent Minerals - Gold / Silver in NSW SP: 2.6c MC: $9.4 Million Cash: Approx $ 2.6m From @tradesurfer's TA tip: Major Holder 25,782,660m shares Oceanic Capital Pty Ltd Which is David Michael broker from Hartleys WA which i find very interesting... Also the Non Exec Director for ARD is Peter Michael... The above has some small smoke i think.... From me: Hartley's are known to do a good pump. Oceanic Capital have been buying steadily on market and taking part in the placements throughout 2016. Cashed up from recent raises. Very prospective land holdings with drilling assays way overdue. The Crazy Forkman Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts
    Poster: nambo1 (STT Accuracy: 30.8% - Ranking No.40 ) (Mcap: $9m)

    BPL - Cobalt in Australia? [7/10/2016]
    Mkt. Cap: $10,941,407 SOI: 145 885 428 Price @ 06/10/16: 0.075 53,077,361 Options @ 8 Cents Expiry 12/11/2019 (BPLO) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year $1,391,675 Top 20 shareholders hold approximately 51%. $0 debt Price is floating around the recent capital raise at 8 cents. NON – EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS F Creagh O’Connor (Chairman) Matthew G Hill?Denis Geldard?Geoffrey G Hill CEO Anthony (Trangie) Johnston COMPANY SECRETARY Donald W de Boer 19 August 2016 Geoffrey Guild Hill bought 129,629 shares in the share purchase plan bringing his holdings to 147,200,485 FPO and 5,157,264 Quoted Options. TENEMENTS AS AT 30 JUNE 2016 Tenement Name Tenement No. Thackaringa Cobalt Project Pine Ridge Felspar Creek Pyrite Hill Big Hill EL6622 EL8143 ML86 ML87 South Broken Hill Heavy Mineral Sands Project Nanya North Springwood Milkengay EL 8308 EL 8309 EL 8310 Heavy Mineral Sands Joint Venture* Woolcunda EL8311 Copi EL8312 Sunshine EL8385 *Exploration Licences EL8311, EL8312 and EL8385 are subject to a joint?Relentless Resources Limited (RRL). As at 1 July 2016 the interest in these tenements changed to 50%. From the annual report; The Thackaringa Cobalt project remains at the forefront of investor interest. As the lithium- ion battery market continues to gain momentum certainty of a sustainable and ethical source of cobalt supply is diminishing globally. Our project is considered to host one of the world’s largest undeveloped cobalt resources. Unlike 94% of global cobalt production, the Thackaringa deposits offer a primary source of cobalt where potential production could be scaled independent of other market influences. Furthermore, political stability and existing infrastructure present considerable development advantage over the world’s largest cobalt producer - the Democratic Republic of Congo (producing some 60% of the world’s cobalt). The Company is planning to undertake metallurgical and resource expansion drilling in the latter quarter of 2016 with a scoping study forecast to commence shortly after with results expected early 2017. In considering the future development of the Thackaringa Cobalt Project, the Company incorporated a new 100% subsidiary named Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd (‘Cobalt Blue’) on the the 26th August 2016. Following a strategic review of development options, it is proposed Cobalt Blue will drive the future development of our cobalt assets. The Thackaringa Cobalt project is located just 25km southwest of Broken Hill, adjacent to the Trans-Continental Railway. Broken Hill Prospecting have defined three primary deposits to date with a global Inferred Mineral Resource estimate of 35.7Mt at 841ppm cobalt. Cheers McDean.
    Poster: mcdean (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $11.8m)

    MCT - Zinc and Lithium, Lead and Gold in WA [7/10/2016]
    . MC - 21 million cash 5 million approx. Current SP - 4.8c target SP - 7c+ ( 2 months) shares out standing 430 million MCT imo has gone under the radar, I'm tipping based FA it has a lot to offer especially its large holding of zinc ( currently in massive demand) it has some 170 million tonne @ 7.5%, 100% ownership also MCT has strong lithium ground at Pilgangoora region in WA some 2500 kms the largest holding in all of western Australia, also holding in the renowned green bushes area Drilling set to commence — Initial 2,000m RC program at central pegmatites — Planned 3,000m RC program at other pegmatites and if that's not enough, MCT have just announced there looking into cobalt, highlights included New cobalt exploration project (Kyarra Cobalt Project) acquired in the Yerrida Basin, WA Adjoins Tabac Cobalt-Gold Project where significant intersections include 80m at 0.77% Co1 Widespread cobalt anomalism reported within Kyarra from sampling and drilling Extensive land holding of over 210km2 of exploration license applications (ELA’s) Well located adjacent to the Paroo Station Mine and Camp, 40km from Wiluna, WA. Desktop and field exploration underway to identify priority target areas for drilling in 2017 as always DYOR. but it holds 3 highly prospective minerals atm, Lithium, Zinc and cobalt
    Poster: jas626 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $23m)

    CMT - Shell Company [7/10/2016]
    CMT -Cott Oil and Gas – Very Tidy SHELL Shares 77m MC $3.2m @ 4.1c Cash $5.3m* Cash backed @ 6.9c Top 4 own 47% CMT sold their 40% share of their PNG Gas asset Pandora (PRL38) to Twinza Oil earlier this year. (Shareholders have already approved and sale is final) Has received the first two installments and will receive the final payment on 31/12/16 *Their unencumbered cash position will then be $5.3m They have no other projects or business making them an extremely tidy, cashed up shell. As stated in the annual report “the group is currently seeking to identify new business opportunities both in and outside the O&G sector” Management: The Director/Chairman, Steven Dennis, has been buying shares on market the past couple months at average 4cps. He currently holds 2.3m shares He is also the non-exec chairman of HRR, RXL and GPX Former MD of CBH Resources, a Zinc, lead, silver producer in Broken Hill (CBH was taken over by Toho Zinc company, listed on Tokyo SX, in 2010) Jeremy King holds 2.3m shares also and is the non-exec of SPZ, DTI and TTL as well as the Exec-Director of RMX. David Bradley holds 991k shares and has a 30 year career in the energy industry. Tip is based on a few things: 1) The director buying on market as well as the direction of the rest of the companies he is an exec of. 2) The Annual report stating that the process of considering new business opportunities has accelerated in the last few months and will continue to do so ahead of receiving the final payment. 3) This, along with its enviable cash position and the rebirth and increasing spot prices of a few key hot commodities of late make me feel like an acquisition could be close. As always, please DYOR upload_2016-10-6_12-32-21.png The glass is neither half full nor half empty......The glass is merely bigger than it needs to be!
    Poster: FreeYourself (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $3.2m)

    AHZ - Biotech - products for cardiovascular repair, medical supplies and immunotherapy [6/10/2016]
    biotech - products for cardiovascular repair, medical supplies and immunotherapy division MC 75mill SP 32 cents cash on hand 27 mill I am resubmitting my first tip as the share price hasnt really moved since then, it actually didnt really move at all. Since my last tip i believe FA has strengthened for the following reasons: The court case that was looming has been settled and new management personnel have been appointed, which after all the staff culling must mean that sales are ticking up if they are hiring again. What was extremely positive out of this announcement was the excerpt "“We have turned the ship and we are now heading in the right direction in terms of sales growth and reducing expenses". This announcement also stated that the record quarter on quarter growth has continued. heres my previous tip, all still stands: world class products in cardiovascular regeneration which is steadily gaining traction with massive quarter on quarter sustained growth and a possible cure for herpes with unblinded interim phase 2 results due oct-dec this year (i expect these to be late) have a few other vaccines in the pipeline, HPV, another cervical cancer one i think. in charge of the immunotherapies division (the vaccines) is world class PR Ian Frazer, the only person to have ever come up with a vaccine for cancer (gardasil, cervical cancer) on top of these 2 potential blue sky drivers they have a profitable infusion pump business which appears is the only thing that has kept the ship afloat over the last few years. Old management were absolutely woeful and ran this into the ground with CR after CR, poor shareholder communication etc, leaving the shareprice where it is now which is why i believe it has a lot of room to move back upwards. it had a high of up near $1.82 about 3 years ago and has been in a steady downward decline ever since. Broke out of downward trend which coincided with old board getting the boot and wayne coming into clean things up. so all new management with new CEO wayne paterson who really seems to have turned things around if he delivers on promises. cut expenses massively got rid of around 30% of workforce and has provided a path to profitability much quicker than expected under old management. I expect ALOT of buying pressure coming up to the release of the unblided HSV2 reults towards the end of the year, given that its a 6 billion dollar market which could potentially be tapped into. Once cardiocel is profitable and IF professor Frazer can nail it again, this thing will be an absolute monster. please note the IF cheers.
    Poster: sci9249 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $73.6m)

    SAU - Gold Explorer Producer in WA & South Korea [6/10/2016]
    Small Australian Gold Producer drilling in South Korea Market cap $17.3m Statistically I should have less chance of tipping a CR this time considering last night's CXO long right? First results from Korean drilling are expected in 7-10 days as per today's announcement, tip is based on them getting decent results. upload_2016-10-5_21-50-2.png
    Poster: ArthurDent (STT Accuracy: 30.8% - Ranking No.39 ) (Mcap: $16.2m)

    PGY - Oil and Gas WA [6/10/2016]
    Oil & Gas explorer Western australia Market Cap $5.87m Cash $2.1m, nil debt Pilot Energy has interests in six permits across WA,five as operator, new investors/directors paid a premium to get onboard, with news promised about farmouts for one or two permits and another "offers very significant prospective resources(to be announced in coming weeks)" per preso to good oil conference. Rising POO perfect time for these guys to make some decent ann's. (yay, my first tip)
    Poster: acoma (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $5.9m)

    ST1 - Telecom -Internet Service Provider [5/10/2016]
    SP: 0.024 MC: $15.88 m Cash: $2.2 m Debt: $2 M Board: 21.5% Management: 20.24% Spirit Telecom Limited is a modern telecommunications provider of ultra-fast Internet access and telephony services. A fast growing niche Telecommunications Carriage Service Provider, Spirit is focused on supplying fibre based broadband services to multi-dwelling user locations including residential, business, student accommodation, community housing and business parks. Spirit was voted as being Australia’s fastest Internet Service Provider (ISP) for 2015 by With over 10-years of brand awareness, Spirit prides itself on delivering real service to its Australian residential and commercial customers and provides customers with the highest quality product. I have been a long term holder of ST1 since its back door listing, It has a strong business growing plan in place, they have added more than 200 buildings since 2014, with a combination of 61% commercial, 34% residential, 5% student. The recent take over offer from SLC to BGL had firmed my holding of ST1, I believe this company could deliver a higher growth rate, they are doing a very good job in the ISP fibre field where ST1 maximise the land grab with superior product deployment, its not just providing fast internet. They have already starting to target the residential building + student market, with the funds & sales program in place, I have a strong belive in their ISP service, by listing in the stock market, ultimately this company could be a very good take over target by big players. BGL started from $0.05 and today its share price is $1.06. Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 39.7% - Ranking No.28 ) (Mcap: $23.4m)

    IAM - Fintech offshore financial planning [5/10/2016]
    Cash Position for IAM: $5,545,611.98 Recently signed a deal with Sentry Group (ASX ann: 19/9/16), one of the leading independent financial advisers in Australia. Sentry have followed iPAC WA (iPAC are a subsidiary of AMP and one of the leading Australian advisers) in undergoing a 6 month trial. iPAC have already done this where the 6 months is used to help transition the firm towards Intiger's revolutionary systems that save businesses a guarnateed 40% on SOA's along with other required back end administration tasks. With Sentry on board that would make 7 clients from what was mentioned at the last AGM I believe as I think it was stated they had 6 clients across the different states of Australia, one including iPAC WA. Having Sentry, iPAC WA and the other 5 clients, the NPAT Milestones are starting to look well in sight with $1m NPAT milestone 1 very likely to be hit, and good chance of M2 and even M3 to be hit with the above clients alone. iPAC WA CEO Patrick Canion who is also a director of IAM recently purchased $20k of stock after the Sentry deal was announced at 0.044c for his shares, that blackout period is now over for anything to be announced so could see further news start to come and Patrick also recently just came back from a trip to Hong Kong where Intiger/IAM have some of their international offices. Smoke signals? [?IMG]'Every man is the architect of his own fortune' 13
    Poster: TheArchitect (STT Accuracy: 50.8% - Ranking No.17 ) (Mcap: $39.1m)

    Weekly Technical Analysis Prospects

    MBK - Copper Gold Projects [10/10/2016]
    Metal Bank Gold SOI- 626.2m MC-$21m Gold Explorer eastern Australia, significant success at companies Triumph project in Queensland & also prospective Eidsvold project Queensland. SP falling outside trading channel post raising at 3c, may be some more short term profit taking but plenty of upside moving forward IMO, dragonfly doji on daily, RSI @ 45.6 expecting reversalin the near term IMO please DYOR... mbk810.png 14
    Poster: Zand34 (STT Accuracy: 31% - Ranking No.38 ) (Mcap: $21.3m)

    MZN - Zinc and Lithium in WA [10/10/2016]
    MZN Chart looks very bullish and quite interesting. Each rise and new High, lines up exactly along the candles at each next level, with resistance points and also support levels. Can see with the chart below, I've noted the bottom to the high, and the dotted lines across, and every point is hit. This is a very strong pattern that has occurred over and over and so far no indications that this will stop, rather the current high of 2.3c will soon become a new support level. Going off by the patterns of the more recent and active movements, this should happen across the next 10-18 days, with a spike to 3c and then a consolidation back to 2.3c and bounce off before the next assault higher. However given the results of KDR and the now ramping up of MZN activities next to KDR it's quite possible this 2.3c support level won't be touched again and it will re-rate much higher and form a new breakout trend much higher. New Fibonacci Extension level Targets: 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.032 0.038 0.042 0.048 0.058 [?IMG] [?IMG]'
    Every man is the architect of his own fortune' 12
    Poster: TheArchitect (STT Accuracy: 50.8% - Ranking No.17 ) (Mcap: $24.5m)

    CHZ - Nickel and Gold in WA [10/10/2016]
    Shares: 119m MC: $4.5m SP: 4.6c Cash: $3.96m Shell Volume spike recently, causing a gap up and a long, solid body candle, very bullish indicator. MACD and EMA and MA all trending up and closely aligned. Candles just before the volume spike also show a Three Inside Up formation, which is a highly reliable indicator, which proved true given the next day it spiked up. Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 8.51.00 PM.png [?IMG]'Every man is the architect of his own fortune'
    Poster: TheArchitect (STT Accuracy: 50.8% - Ranking No.17 ) (Mcap: $5.5m)

    MED - Diamond explorer in the NT [10/10/2016]
    Merlin Diamonds Cap $12m approx Cash $1.9m June 30 SOI 544m Diamond explorer/ producer, Merlin Field, Gulf of Carpentaria NT Friday 7 Oct was the second highest daily and weekly volume in MED since early 2010 After market Thurs 6 Oct they released news that processing of stockpiled oversize material from previous operations had commenced, with production of diamonds expected in mid October. Aston Mining and Rio have previously Produced 500,000 carats from trial operations in 1999 - 2003 Over 80 mining targets identified DYOR the name Gutnick is present Dooley™ for P.M "Nek Minnit" Levi Hawken
    Poster: speckledjim1 (STT Accuracy: 63.6% - Ranking No.6 ) (Mcap: $12.5m)

    WGL - Tech to reduce datausage [10/10/2016]
    MC 34M, current SP 4.2c PRIMED. The gap was closed miraculously to 3.4c and perfect fib retracement 61.8%. This has now come back on relatively light volume and the triple star doji yesterday at 4.1/4.2c suggested to me it is primed for a run north.. Small FA comments APP about to launch (game changing and highly applicable tech) and extremely positive news yesterday about the chipset ($$$$)..looks like this was pushed down to close the gap before run up north.... fomo to kick in! triplestardoji.
    Poster: ryobal (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $30.9m)

    CZI - Zinc Gold Cupper and Nickel Explorer in Australia? [10/10/2016]
    SP - 4.7c MC - $10.38M SOI - 220,899,079 Cash - $1.35 at last reporting period Pennant very close to formation, SP has been holding up on very little volume of late. Large volume spike upon announcement of $36M JV with OZ at the start of August followed by little to no supply since. MACD holding above the line and looks to trend upwards if buying pressure comes in. .05 has proven to be resistance in the past 12 months, only breaking twice briefly and nudging it 5 other times in the last 12 months. Daily: CZI1.JPG If .05 breaks, I expect it will trade between the .07 - .10 range and consolidate before making it's next move. Weekly: CZI2.JPG Of course, it could always do the reverse too There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths - Nietzsche
    Poster: Nodferatu (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $10.4m)

    BMT - Gold abd Base Metals in WA [10/10/2016]
    (ASX: BERKUT MINERALS LTD (ASX BMT) SP: 26.5c MC: $8.656 Million Cash $ 3.5Million as at 8th September Shares: 32.67Million BMT has only recently been trading on the ASX. Below is a snapshot of the weekly chart that shows the 6 weeks since listing. What stands out to me is the trading results from last week. There appears to be some solid support around the 23c to 24.5 area. Trading volumes last week were also up, with the share price closing at 26.5c up 6%. Given the small register, strong cash position and drilling underway, it will be hard for new investors to take a stake in the company without moving the share price in an upward movement. Lastly there is minimal overhead resistance. Please DYOR as this is not a buy or sell recommendation. Cheers GF BMT Weekly 8.10.16.PNG Help end Homelessness and Domestic Violence
    Poster: gamefisherman (STT Accuracy: 34% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $8.7m)

    BMP - Online real estate company [10/10/2016]
    (ASX: BUYMYPLACE.COM.AU ) SP: 40c MC: $22.05 Million Cash $ 2,473,299Million as at 30th June 2016 Shares: 55,142,562 Top 20: 30,883,503 or 56% buyMyplace (ASX: BMP) is an online real estate company enabling Australians to sell their homes without paying fees and commissions to real estate agents. Bulish ascending triangle forming on the weekly now moving towards the pointy end of the formation. I decided to take a punt and add a TA entry prior to a potential breakthrough of that overhead resistance zone due last weeks trading volume. Also there are only so many times that a resistance zone (Around 40c) can be struck without the wall falling. Please DYOR as this is not a buy or sell recommendation Cheers GF bmp weekly 8.10.16 snip.PNG Help end Homelessness and Domestic Violence 10
    Poster: gamefisherman (STT Accuracy: 34% - Ranking No.33 ) (Mcap: $22.1m)

    ANG - Engineering Services for Mining industry [10/10/2016]
    ANG: Austin Engineering Austin Engineering Limited is an Australia-based company, which is engaged in the manufacture, repair, overhaul and supply of mining attachment products, general steel work structures and other associated products and services for the industrial and resources-related business sectors. The Company's operating segments include Australia (for mining equipment, other products and repair and maintenance services), Americas (for mining equipment and other products, comprising North America and South America), Asia (Indonesia for mining equipment and other products), and the Middle East (for aluminum smelter equipment and products). It designs and manufactures a range of mining and earth moving equipment, including the John's Engineering & Cranes Pty Ltd (JEC) and Westech brands. It also produces a range of ancillary products, such as tire handlers and water tank modules. Its brands also include The Austin Engineering, The Austin Ingenieros, Austbore and Austin Arrendamientos. SP: $0.14 MC: ~ $73.70M SOI: ~ 526M CASH & Equiv: ~ $12.80M T20: ~ 72% at Ann Report. Note below: Discovery Asset Management were taking a position as below & Director bought up as well recently so T20 hold some 80%+ (at mid Sept). Discovery Asset Management – 24.5M shares - $2.6M on 7 May to 7 Sep – 5.7% Non Exec Director Charles Sartain via Fam Tst bought 4.2M shares on mkt for $500k on 20th Sept at $0.12. Smoke? Who Couple of background FA (real on a limb spec thinking) thoughts as well. Bradken (similar field) have just had offer by Hitachi for ~ $3.25 a share but earlier this year CHAMP made a play for 49% of Bradken and were waived away as too cheap. The debt structure for refinancing on Bradken didn't sit well for the CHAMP offer at the time. Now, if Bradken potentially off the mkt, a possible bottoming of this field and someone like CHAMP etc maybe still shopping, a Non Exec Director buying pretty solid on mkt a couple weeks ago, a couple of new Board appointments in Jim Walker & Chris Indermaur...just musing out loud... T20 list & Charts and thoughts below from a longer term monthly, weekly and then daily view on HA & Ichi... ANG T20 16.9.16.JPG ANG HA MTHLY 7.10.16.JPG ANG HA WKLY 7.10.16.JPG ANG HA KVO 7.10.16.JPG ANG ICHI 7.10.16.JPG
    Poster: FullMoonFever (STT Accuracy: 42.9% - Ranking No.24 ) (Mcap: $73.7m)

    FFT - Tech - fibre optic intrusion detection security systems [10/10/2016]
    FFT – Fibre Optic intrusion detection technology. Shares 122m MC $28m @ 23c Cash $12m and no debt Established company with proven technology and products. (intrusion detection tech – pipelines and processing facilities, utility/plant perimeters, solar, rail etc.) Has hundreds of installations across 55 countries - predominately in the O&G sector and the downturn in oil prices has weighed on their bottom line. However they have recently taken measures to expand their clientele into different sectors and industries and now the Oil price could be stabilizing aswel. (see FA tip for more info) Volume has increased substantially in the past few weeks. SP has started reversing and has just broken the long term downtrend line. To me this suggests its "stopping volume" and someone has been accumulating/absorbing all of the supply the past month otherwise how could the SP break the downtrend and start moving upward? I believe this is the beginning of a substantial reversal. The recent accumulation is likely driven by the change in the fundamentals outlook. (see FA tip) I'm just finding my feet with TA so more than open comments/assistance or opposing views. Enjoy upload_2016-10-7_10-2-55.pngupload_2016-10-7_10-4-1.pngupload_2016-10-7_10-4-25.png The glass is neither half full nor half empty......The glass is merely bigger than it needs to be! 12
    Poster: FreeYourself (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $29.4m)

    ICN - Oil and gas in the Cooper basin [10/10/2016]
    Share price: 2.8c Market cap: ~$16m Cash: ~$16m Icon has been bottom basing for ~12 months between 2.7-4c. MACD has crossed over on the monthly and a break over 3c (ST resistence) will test 4c (LT resistence) - a break over 4c will see big money come in. MD has recently bought and the uplift in Oil and Gas prices may help risk appetite. Technically i think its looking for higher prices. Hold
    Poster: Eclectic_nish (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $16.7m)

    ARD - Gold, Silver and Base metals in NSW and WA [7/10/2016]
    ASX: Argent Minerals - Gold / Silver in NSW SP: 2.6c MC: $9.4 Million Cash: Approx $ 2.6m I've been watching this for a long time mainly as I noticed @john435 thought very highly of their land holdings and that @tradesurfer also holds. Was waiting for a test of the lower red ascending trendline and noticed it was pretty much there yesterday. Today's dragonfly doji testing below the trendline and then recovering signifies that price may be close to pivoting. LT view: ARGENT MINERALS LIMITED.png • Price has been pretty much confined to the channel defined by the pink median and since Jul 2012 and has attempted to break out a few times in recent times and is still currently in play. • Price being squeezed between the two red trendlines should provoke a reaction soon. Close Up View: ARGENT MINERALS LIMITEDz.png• Two coincident warning lines for the blue and yellow forks and the -50% line for the green fork should provide support below. • 2.4c being hit today tests the low from June 2016. • Slight uptick in volume. • Resistance at green median - approx 3c. The Crazy Forkman Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts 15
    Poster: nambo1 (STT Accuracy: 30.8% - Ranking No.40 ) (Mcap: $9m)

    AHZ - Biotech - products for cardiovascular repair, medical supplies and immunotherapy [6/10/2016]
    biotech - products for cardiovascular repair, medical supplies and immunotherapy division MC 75mill SP 32 cents cash on hand 27 mill since my last tip, the CR shares hit the market but its still been trading in the same range as my last tip, so heres my resubmission with an updated chart: recently broke out of 3 year downtrend from highs of $1.82, seems to have found a bottom around 28-33 cents, coinciding with the FA change noted in my other entry. CR shares hit tomorrow, the 5th, and i expect once that has settled it will be a nice bounce, with alot of buying pressure leading up to the results of the HSV 2 unblinded results being released by the end of this year. there has been an increase in volume since the share price has broken out from the downtrend and has been trading in the new range. ahz stt tip.jpg
    Poster: sci9249 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $73.6m)

    VMS - Silver, Lead, Zinc in Thailand [6/10/2016]
    Thali Silver/Lead/Zinc Project, Loei Belt, Northern Thailand. six lithium prospects within the Greenbushes Mineral District, Western Australia. # shares 316.6M, SP 3.3c gives MC $10.4M Cash $2.7M (30/6) Week Chart shows a breakout from sideways action on High Vol Screen Shot 2016-10-05 at 8.50.03 pm.png dyor
    Poster: mogo77 (STT Accuracy: Unknown) (Mcap: $9.5m)

    LIT - Lithium in WA, NT & QLD [5/10/2016]
    Market Cap $51m, Current share price? 0.215 STT entry based the alerting volumes in today & a highly likely reversal of down trend. It seems that market has changed its sentiment to LIT, Will need the coming 2 or 3 trading days to confirm the stop of SP dropping and more importantly a new up channel. The volume speaks betther than anything else, I do see some dumping cross in when I observe its order pad but there was also a strong buy. Worth a tipping at this price Timing is everything in this case. The way I see LIT today is no different at all with the way I spotted KSN @ 0.015 LIT.PNG Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 39.7% - Ranking No.28 ) (Mcap: $71.5m)

    BD1 - Biotech - Lung and Colon Cancer Cures based in Geneva [5/10/2016]
    Market Cap $31m, Current share price? 0.032 Cash: $3m BD1 raised its capital at $0.02, on its chart even though BD1 is quite but clearly it has a higher high & a higher low being formed? based on all sp history till today). I think it has done the consolidation below 3 cents, I see the buys really started from somewhere like 2 weeks ago ( the day Nambo replied my BD1 question here when I noticed the buys) Either someone knows something we do not, or its just some small retail investor gets excited. If first guess is right, then we shall continue to see the higher high lower low, if the second guess is right, with no material progress or updates, the share price wont be able to hold. Sellers will again crush the left bids. I am happy to see either assumption to be proved as I have two trading plans ready for either case. BD1 is developing a biomarker for the early detection of lung cancer by way of a standard blood test, The company says this in its Q report: " the results from the first blood samples are pro
    mising and are best illustrated by comparing them to the current industry standard achived with CT scans." BD1 ANN.PNGBD1.PNG Hope is not a strategy
    Poster: Waiting4Godot (STT Accuracy: 39.7% - Ranking No.28 ) (Mcap: $21.5m)

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