ADY 16.7% 0.5¢ admiralty resources nl.

negotiation of fob and cnf contracts, page-2

  1. 605 Posts.
    That's a loaded question maartyr - as a lot of ADY holders have bought in at much higher prices and are naturally disgruntled at the delays. Management has a habit of over promising and under delivering. In saying that, the iron ore business should be up and running in the near year, and we should see some contracts and resource upgrades shortly. The big play is Lithium at Rincon Salar - and the future looks very bright. The question is, can management get it over the line?
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0.6¢ 0.6¢ 0.5¢ $5.443K 1.035M

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0.6¢ 260000 1
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