hicks:another travesty of justice, page-24

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    we know a lot of things escape you YAk

    it is due to that narrow little hate filled bigotted mind of yours

    saw a poll result recently where 70% of Australian think Hicks should be returned to Australia yep just a tiny minority

    The only reason you see that Hicks did not break any Australian law is not relevant is that it further weakens any case against him. If he had broken an Australian law you would be screaming that this is further justification to hold him without chrges or a trial for 5 years. You are so transparent Yak

    I for one though was not in favour of Hicks being returned to Australia. I fhe had truely commited offences then he should have been charged and then tried in a fair an open manner

    simple end of story and all your twisting and squirming around the issue can not change that fact

    But now that the US has held hicks for 5 years and the most they have been able to do is come up with some vague non-descipt charges against him that they were not even able to provided his defence lawyer the details of and a rigged kangaroo count that would have gauranteed a guilty verdict both of which have been knocked out by the US supreme court - there is a strong arguement that enough is enough and Hicks should be released

    as I have said about you before yak it amazes me that you fully support US troops invading another country and being killed on the pretense (what a joke) of bring freedom and democracy to that country Yet you are so keen to see one of the central principals of freedom and democracy - the right to a fair trial undermined in the US.

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