possible outcome repercussions of a trump win, page-110

  1. 111 Posts.

    Which world do you live in. Do you actually believe there are no crooked politicians. Every person in power has the ability to be crooked, some are just more so than others. Like all Politicians, Trump needed to say the right things in order to get elected. That was part of the strategy. It was aimed mostly at white uneducated male voters, they came out in force and they voted him in. That's the truth of it. Perhaps Americans cant look themselves in the mirror and admit it but that is why he is now President. He ran a scare campaign - eg Immigrants are stealing your jobs, are causing crime, bringing drugs into the country, his constant rhetoric on China about currency devaluation and trade imbalances, bringing the troops home and to stop being the world policeman. All of these things resonate with the people who voted for him. In other words he is not as dumb as you think, and either are the advisers who are working with him. They knew their audience, unfortunately the democrats did not. All Hillary Clinton and the democrats could come up with is, "hey vote for us because we are not Trump".

    At the end of the day whatever your feelings are towards Trump, he is a businessman first and foremost so no matter what the markets are doing tomorrow or even next week, know this. His policies will be extremely bullish and good for worldwide economies. After this week has settled down and the markets have had some time to digest the news..............I would favor going long on equities.
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