PC cost him his job.

  1. 29,491 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    Just got a email from a mate...
    Get this.

    In his work place, he and some of the other employee chat about 'religion, politics etc', not really that uncommon right.
    Well in the work place is a Christian who over heard the discussion. This particular discussion was about how the character Jesus for the fiction novel 'The bible' was in fact a "rape baby zombie".
    Well the Christian took offence to her religious icon being "mocked" (apparently not being PC is mocking now) and reported him to HR. HR jumped up and down about how the workplace should be 'tolerant of people religions'.
    Weird, as he was 'tolerant' just wasn't being PC.
    Long story short, a giant hoo ahh went on, work not being done, Christians being sooks etc.
    So he wasn't fired, but he quit, saying "I'm not working in a place that forces PC on people and waste time of this BS"

    He was a very important person in the company and his knowhow and experience can not be replaced. No doubt they'll lose customers, work, market share etc. Plus the other employee have got the sheets with the whole situation as they now have to pick up the slack. The Christian claims to be "distort" and has taken "stress leave".
    He has an job interview with an opposition company.

    What a crazy crazy world we live in...

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