MT will pay for illogical pension test, page-73

  1. 5,033 Posts.


    I don't know enough about work choices so I'll leave that alone.

    With a fiscally unsustainable budget deficit, I support:
    - cuts to the pension - with an aging population its currently unsustainable. Heck my parents are on a part pension, they have 2 houses (holiday / main) and travel overseas 3 times a year. Even they agree its ridiculous they receive it (legally);
    - cuts to middle class welfare (eg all the child support, etc etc). I'm sure there are also many other middle class rorts in there;

    The current batch of politicians are a confused lot. Many of them call tax rises as budget 'savings'. With a $40B pa structural deficit, its time they focussed on real savings (spending cuts). Unless they do, the credit agencies will do it for them which will force up interests rates (as the cost of funds rise due to the increased credit risk). Watch then when all those leveraged people with massive mortgages (particularly in Sydney and Melb) start squealing because they can't service their (unsustainable) debt.

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