Israel : Parting shot by US President Barack Obama, page-39

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    When most decent people prepare to vacate their home for the next tenant/owner, they leave their house in tact - the way it was earlier. Only the most manipulative slime take an axe to the place in an attempt to maximise damage prior to the next person moving in.

    Obama and Kerry have shown their true colours and leanings and proven they had zero credibility and have damaged their house prior to the new occupant moving in.

    In an interesting contrast and metaphor, when Israel disengaged from Gaza and left many buildings, greenhouses etc intact - the palestinians chose to ransack and loot rather than make the most of the infrastucture that was left for them - that Israel left for them - rather than the Obama and Kerry approach of inflicting maximum damage for the incoming to be forced to clean up. Further, after taking control, the palestinian rocket attacks on Israel multiplied.

    This is a metaphor for the philosophy that underpins both sides.

    Israel has learned from its mistakes.
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