climate change and the natural world, page-17

  1. 565 Posts.
    If you believe in Bible prophecy, then you will be happy to know that someone is in control of what is now happening. God has forewarned mankind each time before bringing them back into line. i.e - Noah's Day, Destruction of Sodom & Gomorah, The fall of Babylon, Destruction of Jereusalem. All these are historical & Archeological facts. Our day it is no different.

    The writing is on the wall for our plastic way of life. Our creator has put us & our lifestyles on notice. We have seen the fulfillment of Matt 24:1-14. 2Tim 3:1-5 and many other prophecies fulfilled in our time. So what's the next prophecy to be fulfilled & what can we expect afterwards.......Rev 18:2 explains that "Babylon has Fallen". Its happening right now. Babylon the great is "False Religion". Which is all religous groups & organisations that profess to follow the word of God, But fall short by their actions. Just one example of this is - Organisations & individuals within that organisation that Preach love, but go to war etc. So the writing is on the wall for 99% of the religous groups on earth. As you can see & are now witnessing the greatest decline in individuals attending churches because of the deceit & hypocracy displayed & taught within their walls. But, all is not lost & God foretells a fantastic future for Mankind. You probably have heard of the saying that "The Meek Will Inherit the Earth" (Psalms 37:9-11&29). Well, This has not come to fruitition yet, but it will come true as all prophecies have in the bible. Interesting to note though....Matthew 24:22 - Shows just how close we are, and scientists today confirm this. So what do you need to do in the meantime.."NOW"..You need to look & associate with those ones who practice what they preach, and get to know the true teachings from the bible. Who are these people you ask? You can't miss them.
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