One of the advantages of moving within those waters is greater liquidity, less risk for the retail pros and steady but sure income.
ASX200Resources just keeps on moving,nice looking chart. TRS surely has to have a target on its back around the $11 zone. SRX not for me but may it be fruitful val. Actually when I pulled up its chart it reminded me of one that I recently headed north after a major markdown, just cant remember the code. Now CCV is where a few would question the validity of the ethics of that investment vehicle. Nah just joking val, really its just a code, just a trade and that is all. Nothing more, Nothing less. May tomorrow bring more of the same
Cheers and good to hear from you. PS will go back and have a look at CCV which is actually in my backpack of goodies.
CCV has now had 4 weeks of higher lows, so I am expecting that particular group that trades the 200 will be entering over the next week or two. Got to love all of the diff market participants. Sometimes I just want to be all of them. But that is just pure and blatant greed lol. Have a good night. Cheers GF
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