a poke in the eye of creationist fiction, page-5

  1. 6,931 Posts.
    About Creationists, after growing up with Genesis I had the concept of Creation of God going Zap, Zap, and Zap and there each bit was. This required creation from nothing. As I have thought about these things I have decided that God could not have done that even though Genesis seems to say it. The reason it is stated in Genesis as it is is because the guy writing it all down did not have the vocabulary or, more importantly, the concepts to describe what actually happened. God was not deficient, man was.

    The main message from Genesis is “God made the world”. The question that many fail to ask is, How did God make all the life we see? The only reasonable answer is “By an evolutionary process.”

    Someone must have made the Universe. The steady state theory cannot explain the universe, the big bang theory does nicely because there is a beginning and because we also know there has to be an end. One day the sun will die and so will the earth. If we fled from the earth to another galaxy we would still not escape the inevitable. The whole universe will die as all the nuclear reactions will run out of fuel. I believe that to be a scientific fact.

    You said:
    “what i cannot work out, with respect to the christian god, is that he had relegated himself to being the god of a wondering tribe of israelites - when there were far more advanced civilizations in other parts of the world.”

    Advanced civilizations have nothing to do with it. He sent Christ to show us the way that God wants us to behave, to be truly human. Being truly human we have body and an immortal soul. He needed to choose a people who would be prepared to explain the life of Christ. With out the history of the Jewish people we could not really understand Christ and his message. God had to choose a group, why not the Israelites?

    You said:
    “christianity is the religion of the new testament - not of the blood thirsty god of the old testament - if this is the case, then it simply shows that god was wrong in his ideas of religion in the old testament. so if god has been with us since enternity - which must be billions and billions and trillions upon quadzillion years - then in the space of a few thousand years, this all knowing god, changes the rules about religion”

    He works through people as they are. Those civilizations you refer to would have been just the same as the Israelites in terms of their behaviour. Even after the resurrection of Christ, Christian believers behaved very badly, sometimes in the name of their faith.

    You said:
    “watso comes from having been brought up on the good book - and believed for no other reason, that he was brought up on religion - but really, that is a pretty poor excuse to believe in something. sheer blind faith is the only reason why people can believe”

    I say, if you think about it, you also live in sheer blind faith concerning some things, we all do. The question is, though, Is what you believe the truth?


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