ITE i.t.& e limited

proof of concepts are short, page-11

  1. 399 Posts.

    HI Alan--and hi alll,

    great post Al, .... as have been most of the others,

    What I am doing with my..... (max 10 days idea-- )..... is a bit of basic .....back of envelope-- triangulating, permutation and combinations crappo--and then doing a basic ....probability .....assessment.....with a bit ofg decsion tree analysis thrown into.... the Pub fruit cake.

    To do that; (getting to the 7- 10 days Max approx number) taking previous Up Date Announcements-(from late november)-- -interpreting into them some 'tacit meaning'.... again-- from the previous November Short list Table and announcements, --then taking the data of the 6-7 for done deals by end of F/Year-- at that November stage as the (ITE) given Projection)-- of the total New Finailized Deals-- (ITE) Goal for the period ending June 30 being 6-7 New Contracts-- and 21 Blue Chip Clients in total by that time also.

    Now then flash forward till today.

    We now can see them(ITE) using different "language" to "contractural negoitations" for the 3-4 in that last November presentation...

    We now see ther language of Proof of copncepts (POC).

    And being a bit of a 'devil'--- for riddles and puzzles....!!!--- I just could not help myself and get all excited any chance; to do some basic deductions albeit; with slightly incomplete information .... (as is the case in the real world!!)-- but still real and relevant data....that enables a future ....."probability hypothesis" now be updated and to now be created.

    -So yippeeee...!!-- we hear today of two firm POC's-- if one looks closely--one Aussie one and one Global one.

    However on my calcs-- that leaves 1 or 2.... that are stilll ## "ambigouous" well more from the original 9-10-- moving thru the (ITE) sales pipeline....!!! well On Top of tha again--!!--- whatever EXTRA-- Sales Prospects-- has now further been added to the start of the (ITE) Sales Pipeline since November--namely in December, January and February......Yippppeeeee.....we want more ...!!

    And again; then one can extrapolate and run some sets and subsets of numbers.

    So my first level hypothesis for the POC's is now 2+ 2 minus 1 = 3.... but with one(1) due .... in my "model" due to the Sales Strategy of ....Top Down-- hopefully one is quite a biggie.(in that extrapoalted 3)-- and then with another say ...."4"--....on top of that-- at short list level now --to add to the Pittsburgh, Asian Tier One, NAB PTX and Qld Treasury ....

    ***** ....>>>-- And here then is my next level of the SECOND new hypothesis.

    No one answered my previous puzzle....

    Which was this:

    What percentage does ite (ITE) get (as Closed finalized New Salews and Customers...???)--- from the Request for Information-- or Request To Tender...-stage-- -and then from there; what %age of when (ITE) are short listed ..... ???....>>>-- do they end up actually winning.... full and final...New contracted Clients....??? !!?

    The data is there--or certainly now ANSWER ......this Key question....

    And this is:-->>>>*****--- What I really think...... is the real truly significant Value Core Question here.

    ie: --What percentage does ite(ITE) get from Request for Information-- or Request To Finalized Sales ...

    .... >>-- That is a very very Important and interesting %age--percentage-- And very interesting number to know --Going Forward here now Guys !!.....!!!

    .....--To reiterate:

    ....--- ++ .... What %age.... of when (ITE) are either asked for RFT's or get to the short listed stage-- Global Banks against the stiffest of Global Competition-- do they end up actually winning .....full and final ... and beating their rivals....???

    .... @@@---- *** This is really..... when one stops a minute---- to actually think and reflect--.....The most Important question ...of all----imo-- folks.....

    Say the above question to yourself--and reflect what it REALLY means ....for the future (ITE) share price-- and you'll see ... imo, ....what I mean...and why it is So important.

    And what is now a little exciting; is that imo-- the data to answer the question.... is now.... emerging !!!!

    ....errrrrr ....guys; .......have been.....errrrr..... trying say this before, and suggested we think about it, but then we had less data..... than we have now......

    .....And so then; back to hypothesis number (1) above!!)--

    We will have more final;zied contracts-- --imo within-- 7-10 days-- Because the POC's should/ought--on basis of Probability--on my hypothesis-- as they become....(on basis of previous timelines-- and the amount of time now that has transpired-- as when one triangulates this; with probability....)--- As finalized "done deals" ..... in that 7-10 days time--max !!

    Just my theory though!!--

    But if you assess it, it does have a mathematical basis of logic in it...imo...!!

    And that is why I say--wait and watch for the POC's to crystalize and the Sales Pipe line to get more exiciting and more Significant--in every "sense" of the word "significant".....

    Just how we see it at "The Pub"--nothing more !!

    Food for thought !!

    Kindest Regards,

    robbo .....

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