Short Term Trading Week Starting: 6 Feb, page-195

  1. 5,885 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8587
    Hi All,

    I’m comparing some graphite peers and one of these either isn’t being valued like the others and/or is a screaming buy compared to peers:

    MC (current): $350m
    MC (peak): $400m
    Capex: US$269m
    NPV: US$1.7b
    Opex: US$502/t
    Sale Price: US$2,350/t
    Other: BFS completed only but has funding offtakes and infrastructure sorted

    MC (current): $50m
    MC (peak): $150m
    Capex: US$173m
    NPV: US$1.3b
    Opex: US$536/t
    Sale Price: US$1,685/t
    Other: Has offtakes but no funding

    MC (current): $50m
    MC (peak): $60m
    Capex: US$166m
    NPV: ?????
    Opex: US$300/t
    Sale Price: US$1,500/t
    Other: Concept study only but has access to spherical graphite mill

    MC (current): $11m
    Capex: US$39m
    NPV: US$323m
    Opex: US$292/t
    Sale Price: US$1,690/t
    Other: DFS completed (today) and has the lowest Capex & Opex & highest grade resource

    So is WKT a screaming buy?


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