john howard working tirelessly for australia

  1. 4,442 Posts.
    Big John once again embarks on an important international mission to negotiate a contract,this time with Japan.

    Previously, free trade agreements with China and America, now a security agreement with Japan as a prelude to a free trade agreement with them also(our biggest trading partner).

    So called concern for this latest move by China and South Korea (if true), will be short lived as the consumate politician John Howard, in his own inimitable way moves to alleviate their so called "fears".(so called concern---by the media, I mean)

    We have here a consumate politician, probably the best this country has ever had,who has managed to move mountains in the face of unending negativity from the socialist opposition and self opinionated jerkalists.

    John Howard is the most (mis)maligned politician of our time, by people who wouldn't be satisfied by anyone or anything.
    He stands tall among all before and ahead of him for his intestinal fortitude and intellect in having the capacity to handle the most difficult circumstances with aplomb and sensitivity.

    I'm expecting the usual "Laborite"and "negative anti-esablishment" suspects to vehmently disagree with this post and my sentiments.
    It doesn't matter.
    You have a right to your own opinions, as do I.
    However, I, and most Australians know who we are safe trusting at the next election to guide the country for the future.
    A proven performer and his very caoable and experienced team.
    Rather than a Dudd !!!!

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