The greatest HYPOCRISY regarding coal is both side export coal in large numbers
for other countries to use for cheaper source of power. The fact that we are never told the amount of subsidies for renewable tells us it is billions. Bill`s answer it better than doing nothing does not cut it. People dying as they
cannot afford heating or air-conditioners are just part of the process,not being able to afford to feed the family another!
What always intriguing those proposing the ideas live of taxpayers funds,
so never a problem for them. Lets look at some beautiful costing,
NBS--on the back of a coaster
NDS --NEVER FUNDED--now want increasing medi-care levy--just imagine the fraud--like the NDS??
C/T--where does the money go??Keyna--no-one know`s--it`s cheaper renewable s!!Who knows as we never ever no the price of subsidies!!