I appreciate reading both of your responses and feel quite guilty when I don't respond in kind.
Today is an old friend's birthday and I am enjoying a few wines but I will respond.
Within your posts I see correction of my own perception which I appreciate.
I came here to learn and discuss. After all this is a producing lithium stock and nothing can take that credit away.
In my mind there is a symbiotic relationship between all lithium stocks and maybe with my next point I can address something pertinent to all producers.
Often I see non-producers ridicule the downfalls of the ones that are producing and I wonder if they are in a sense bombing the very road they will need to travel upon themselves.
There should be more appreciation laid out for the stocks that do produce, stumble and then find their way back onto their feet. It kinda disregards the whole idea of investing within the lithium scene to not appreciate each one getting back up on its feet and moving forward for a better world.