STX 2.44% 21.0¢ strike energy limited

Ann: Letter to Shareholders, page-124

  1. 6,391 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 788

    if you read your comment about the trade of 500k @ 8.4...and then mine directly can easily see that I was specifically referring to the smaller cross trade (XT) of 29,031 @ 9 cents - not the 500k as you suggest.

    Honestly, the Cyclone up north is what we should be worried about! It's now been upgraded to category 5! I'm going to scream if this disrupts Klebb, particularly at this critical stage! We need to pray this rain doesn't get into the Cooper catchment!

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Mkt cap ! $601.7M
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20.5¢ 21.0¢ 20.5¢ $140.6K 681.5K

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11 974371 20.5¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
21.0¢ 1623046 27
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Last trade - 16.10pm 03/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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