Speak English !, page-23

  1. 89 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    This has to be the most BS political posturing i've ever seen! Elephant in the room is the family reunion visa nonsense, and other backdoor citizen grants.

    Pay $40k to bring your ageing parents over and after a qualifying period they receive pension and healthcare for life. The international student scam a pretty good gig which is why it is so popular:
    1) Foreign student
    2) residency
    3) launder mum and dads money and buy a property
    4) pay $40k per parent and they receive welfare and healthcare for life
    Benefit to existing residents = higher house prices and higher taxes

    3.8 million third world migrant PR/citizen grants in a decade of which 85% or 3.25 million were unskilled and in an age band and skill of being a total life cycle negative taxation contributer (ABS / productivity commission report 2016).
    But it gets worse…
    Then add another 2.4 million third world migrant guestworkers (2 million TR, 0.4 million Tourist working illegally) and 90,000 of that completely useless unskilled intake are being given PR grants also.
    About a 90% unskilled net tax burden migrant intake.
    Of course, you don’t need the numbers..
    Go into a medical centre in Chatswood or Rhodes or North Parramatta or Liverpool if your game and marvel at the third world diversity of our onshore foreign aid contrbution to third world old sick diseased as they queue out the door, or wander around the streets with their freshly minted Medicare & Pensioner or Beneficary cards & entitlements.
    No English. Never paid a dollar in tax.
    Sneaked in by their anchor or sponsor on some visa pretext and now relieving China or Korea or India of that social & health care burden.
    It’s not a racist issue. It never has been.
    It’s a basic skills and economic contribution issue.
    What’s coming in as the ‘anchor’ – often on a pretext or frauded visa is often already old & unskilled & useless.
    And usually amoral and here only to working illegally / with fake ID in some underground or illicit activity as a TR or tourist.
    Then conditioned thru the easily frauded Australian visa process in fake partners, family reunion, frauded health checks, very little bio security checks, no real employment or skill checks, fake references & documentation, this is an industry.
    This is a $105 billion industry in TR and tourist third world migrant guestworkers.
    And then the PRartner or Citizenship grant.
    And then the $200 billion extra cost to Australia in our Centrelink or Medicare burden.
    Housing, education, public tranport, social services – consumed, little or no contribution.
    A migrant intake that is already a money pit and lack of contribution and assimilation disaster.
    These are migrants unlike any others we had before.
    They are not the Italians or Greeks or Vietnamese making a new home and fresh start here.
    They are old.
    They are unskilled & useless.
    They are anmoral.
    They will not assimilate.
    They have no respect for Australia.
    They have no loyalty – many on dual passports.
    They are here to take not give.
    They are not the best or brightest.
    The evidence they are lower class corrupt petty criminals that stole from their own country to launder or safe haven that theft here.
    Or they are sent here as urban or rural slum clearance to send back remittances and then bring in their aged care burden to be our problem. Welfare @ health care cost xfer.
    An influx of unskilled amoral useless needy & corrupt pushed onto us by their third world country only to keen to dump that burden on Australia as our stupid decision to let them in.
    That’s what’s coming in.
    A disaster that will continue inter-generationally as a burden for decades to come.
    -> We need a Royal Commission into the entire economic and social impact of the visa and migration fraud.
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