permian extinction, page-102

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    This is wonderful stuff but a word of warning.........

    The subject is too abstract and difficult and confusing. Many will be scared away unless you deal with each point very very slowly so that the one least familiar with the Secret Doctrine follows the discussions.(that was posted by one who was aware of the relevance of the story)

    However even for those who remotely think they know something of the Garden of Eden this will be an explanation- a revelation. Forget gold for 5 min & read on...........

    Subject: Re: Adam and Eve

    Anyway, Gen 5:1-2 reads This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day they were created.

    SD 2:124-29 has an extensive study of all this. Subtitled "The Divine Hermaphodite". Here are some quotes:

    "In the Book of Enoch we have Adam, the fiert divine androgyne, separating into man and woman, and becoming JAH-HEVA, in one form or race..."

    "Adam stands for the primitive HUMAN race, especially in its cosmo-sidereal sense. Not so, however, in its theo-anthropological meaning. The compound name of Jehovah, or JAH-HOVAH, meaning MALE LIFE and female life-first androgynous, then separated into sexes..."

    Quoting the author of "The source of Measures" HPB writes: " 'The two words of which Jehovah is composed make up the original idea of male-female as the birth originators' ; for the Hebrew letter JOD was the MEMBRUM VIRLE nad HOVAH was Eve, the mother of all living. or the procreatrix, Earth and Nature. The author believes, therefore, that 'It is seen that the PERFECT ONE' (the perfect female circle or YONI, 20612, NUMERICALLY), 'as ORIGINATOR OF MEASURES, takes also the form of Birth-origin, as HERMAPHRODITE ONE; hence the phallic form and use.' "

    Let's really load the decks by including study point #7 on the creation of Eve

    Gen 2:21-23 And the Lord God cuased a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took on of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought he unto the man.

    And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

    SD 2:181 "Even the state of mental torpor and the unconsciousness of the first two races, and of the first half of the Third Race, is symbolized, in the second chapter of GENESIS, by the DEEP SLEEP OF ADAM. It was the dreemless sleep of mental inaction, the slumber of the Soul and Mind, which was meant by that "sleep"..."

    SD 2:193 "The rib is bone, and when we read in Genesis that Eve was made out of the rib, it only means that the RACE WITH BONES was produced out of a previous Race and Races, which were boneless"

    It is said in S.D.fn II 46 that man of Gen.i is "Heavenly Man", Adam Kadmon, who is made in the image and likeness of God, and that this Adam is the Sephirothal Host.

    And "God" in whose image that Heavenly Man is made is LOGOS--the Intellectual Soul of the world--synthesis of Solar Dieties, the Fathers of Spiritual Principles of Man, givers of his Immortal Manas, whereas the lower order of ceative powers (Jehovah) furnish Human Monads with Astral model of future physical bodies..

    Sephirothal Host--("Man" of gen. i)-- is the Host of Creative Powers who are dual in their nature--spiritual and material, hence said to be made male and female.

    It appears to me that it is these Creative Hosts are Lunar Pitris, the lower order of creative powers, which exude from their own essence the Astral Shadow of physical man. It is to this class that Lord God of Gen. belong--lowest in the hierarchy of creative powers, who blindly follow the will of the higher Intellectual Guiding Spirits--Lords of the Flame, The Great Chohans.

    This seems to borne out by the verse 12 of Stanza III in S.D. II 75 :

    "The Great Chohans (Lords), called the Lords of the Moon, of the Airy bodies. 'Bring forth men (they were told), men of your nature. Give them (ie., the Jivas, or Monads) their forms within, She the Mother (Earth or Nature ) will build coverings without (external bodies). (For) males-females they will be. Lords of the Flame also"

    So, Man of Gen. i are Lunar ancestors (Pitris) of man who furnish from their own essence the Astral Shadow = Forms within, upon the model of which terrestrial spirits build Forms without = physical bodies.

    The latter man is the man of gen. ii. When terrestrial spirits build the form of flesh on the Astral Model, Adam is said to be "clothed in the coat of skin." It is to this terrestrial man that Lord God (Lower creative Host) breathe the breath of life into the nostril, so to speak.

    So Christain and Jewish Lord God, Jehovah, is no more than unintelligent guided lower creative force--as Host, as well as one of the Elohim.

    An aside : so, this Lord God cannot be the Father in Heaven of Jesus as ecclesiastical Chritianity has made out.

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