DTers Weekend Aftermarket Lounge End of April, page-55

  1. 12,284 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 397
    I really like your off track posts the most---

    It is quite hard to walk the line with making calls- I think the trick is to just make the post say why and with chart or fa- and then leave it at that- the results speak for themselves- and we all get to know in time who does what well---

    Lets face it you need to be cunning and logical to succeed- right ?
    But the tenacity and the never give up mentality is really the key- I like to go over what happens in the lead up to a good BO- Dissecting the runners- a lot of watching and thinking about what made it happen is a good exercise---

    MUS would be a great case study- CR8 another- they both had parabolic runs and have now landed firmly at the bottom of the dunny----
    I think it is good to learn to recognize chart wise when the party is running out of steam - and equally when something is behaving like a monster- The patterns repeat over and over-

    As for court - I have been so shocked at how dishonest the lawyers all are-- it is a racket that they have been running for a very long time imo-
    The real criminals are them- they take an oath of honesty-
    None of them care about the children- or the victims they create----
    I intend to expose this - unfortunately I am one of these people that really hates cataloging and keeping records diaries etc-
    I can write - but starting is the hard part- I would rather shoot the breeze on here-- lol

    I am impressed by those that have that natural inclination to be able to just put all the research and evidence together-
    I will probably source someone who does that for a job- it is the biggest part of this....

    And indeed I expected my own lawyer to do this- for the kings ransom I paid her- she sat on her hands and just charged me a $600 per hour messenger service - no respect so far for anyone that I have trusted with legal advice to date- the worst mistake ever was my original lawyer - who failed to recognize and inform me of the holes in the settlement-

    What I have realized is that they operate on the same theory as a HC thread- it all gets buried -
    and the perpetual argument is what they all make money from...

    The trick now will be to have a comprehensive document with all the supporting evidence inserted chronologically so it is easy to refer to and enable the shrink and the ICL - and the Judges to really see the full picture- BTW- I do not think Judges have the right skills and education to be making decisions in Family court-

    My objective is to create a mandatory situation where no one can step into a court room to fight over children without first being analysed by a psychologist- it would stop the rot-
    My other objective is to create a situation where there was no big money to be made out of family law-
    IE that legal aid runs the whole thing and supplies all the lawyers at a regular pay rate to deal with the cases on hand- it would change the whole gridlock of greed and lies in an instant.....they all know this -
    I think it is really possible- by writing to the right people----

    Remember Lindy Chamberlain?? Indeed one of the biggest victims ever- what was done to her by courts and lawyers and nasty judgmental morons-- her life was destroyed - when she had indeed had her child taken by a dingo- this one has stayed with me- and I always remember as a kid the nasty comments of her demeanor in court - they judged that she was guilty cause she wasn't an emotional drama queen in court---

    The day to day writing and responding to letters in real time and arguing I can do quite well
    In fact you would be impressed with me- I have exposed the ex's lawyer for inserting deceptive and misleading comments in her last few letters- and now have proved the dishonesty--- which should scare her- It is quite serious for a lawyer being caught being dishonest- after looking at the Law society's website there is avenues to report this behavior---
    I believe there are lawyers out there that create a profile for themselves of getting results for particular scenarios- they attract clients that can obviously afford them- so it is lucrative-
    The ex's lawyer has been intimidating me for 4 years now- but I have finally realized that She is so used to getting away with it -
    It is probably the first time in her career she has met someone that can see the game-
    And is coming after her....

    For the last six months a court appointed psychologist has been involved- and just in the last month or so she has finally caught on to what a charming and credible liar my ex is-
    Lies have a way of catching up with people in the future---

    One thing that has really again gobsmacked me is that she did not listen to a word I said - until his behavior actually alerted her --- CRAZY stuff
    But hey it makes the market seem easy
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