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  1. 6,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2346
    Having read all the ann and news re Microsoft/Thred partnership, since July 2015,
    can you confirm this is not one of those 6000 Msft 'partnerships' of any tom dick harry,
    but Msft has selected Thred as

    1)'THE' messaging & collaboration tool'
    for Outlook365 suite of products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)' starting with Word.

    2)Invitee, for Thred to attend Msft HK conference , a 'by invitation' event, to expose Thred to its top 10o to 500 customers/delegares in Asia

    (After all there are more than 40 m&c tools in USA for Msft to choose from,
    sources 1.Wiki & 2.Scoro.com)

    09 May asx ann re submission to Msft should have some follow up news in due course, imo.

    Happy for those with more insights to comment and correct.
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