SGH 0.97% $48.04 sgh limited

News: SGH Watchstone Group says received correspondence from firm of solicitors for SGH, page-106

  1. 2,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 175
    Article behind a firewall.

    And ... all is not as it seems.

    It is also possible the claim may later be extended to take in executives at Quindell responsible for the deal, potentially cracking open troves of cash in their professional indemnity insurance.

    This strikes me as being a bit naive on the part of someone.

    WTG is in the same boat as SGH when it come to insurance payouts.

    Now the word 'fraud' has entered the vocabulary of SGH, P.I. insurers won't be falling over themselves to be paying any claims to anyone if they aren't obliged to.

    So, let's not be banking on pots ('troves'?) of insurance money to be bailing out anyone anytime soon and start doing cartwheels.

    Despite all this, no-one can deny that since the SGH announcement last week opening u this new can-of-worms there's been the possibility of life being resurrected into SGH-land which has been otherwise dead in the water for so long.

    Watch this space, I'd say - loads of fun to be had as we watch battle commence from the sidelines.

    The market will tell us next week what the real situation is right now.
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