Did God foreknow the rebellion in Eden, page-3

  1. 25,172 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hmm, your link here, not one Bible reference verse, so I personally wouldn't give it the time of day.
    However, there appears a serious problem from what I see in the bold writings below as that doesn't appear to fit with what JW's believe going by what's on their web site and that being - Jesus did NOT have a bodily resurrection despite Jesus saying there would be.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses know that the primary offspring of the “woman” is Jesus. His being struck on the heel by the serpent had to do with his death. It is described as a heel wound because Jesus’ death was only temporary since he was resurrected to immortal life in heaven

    Acts 15:18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.
    And that obviously would have included knowing well and truly that he would have a Son and the rolls the Son would play.
    And I don't believe God would have Jesus as an angel, then as a man and then switch him back to an angel as the following just for starters, totally rejects this - 1 Tim 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
    This man Jesus, note: man and not Angel is sitting at the right-hand of God.
    And Acts tells us, you will see Jesus return just as you saw him go and that WAS flesh and bone and to understand how or what this flesh and bone now is - 1 Cor 15:45-58.

    Heb 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for (because of) the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour, that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
    Despite what some Bibles say and people, there is nothing in this verse that even hints at, That Jesus was not this way before coming?
    Oh yes, some will go on and say the likes of John - Father glorify me with the glory I had with you before the world was.
    They make a big song and dance about what this glorify means (had before) and according to some, there is this magic type transformation =
    Not so. Above here, it becomes very clear what this glory subject entails and Jesus in John 17:4 tells us how he glorified the Father while on earth = Setting clear examples of what is meant by glorify.

    This notion that some claim that Jesus needed to be a spirit prior to the Going back to God, (despite him making it very clear he was flesh and bone), so he could walk through walls or appear this way or that way is nonsense.
    We know he received the Holy Spirit without measure and we know from Acts, he received the promise of the Holy Spirit. We know about all the miracles the Father did through him and we also know before going back to the Father, Jesus had been glorified etc = To appear this way or that way, or to do this or that, is and would have been a walk in the park.

    If one suggests he was only a spirit, then you have to accept that Jesus deceived his disciples, tricked them, lied to them and totally dismissing Jesus telling them, He would be raised in three days = Denial of one key aspect required to receive eternal life, making the death and resurrection void, useless.

    His dead body was "quickened" by the Spirit = Made alive by the Holy Spirit which IS the Fathers Spirit as he is "a" Spirit.
    Rom 8:11 & 1 Pet 3:18 for starters.
    So this verse and others in NO WAY say or hint at, that Jesus was "a" Spirit.

    So Ab, if JW's line of thinking is yours on this subject as there are more verses in line with what I say, my advice would be to actually track down ALL the verses and assess the matter from these = God's and not mans.

    Wish you well.
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