HRR 0.00% 4.5¢ heron resources limited

Ann: Founding Director of Heron, Mr Ian Buchhorn, Steps Down, page-14

  1. 5,851 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 711
    I agree with what you say here but the zinc project can be and probably will be good for shareholders once it produces but what a draining effect it has had on shareholders and as you mentioned the diluted ratio AND IT STILL HAS NOT FINISHED!!??

    Of course we would all wish we got out at $1.20 but as we all know, hindsight is a great thing.
    I can see you are disappointed and so are many other Heron shareholders including myself, however, I am extremely pleased that Ardea is now carrying on with the exploration of all its exciting multi commodity assets some of which are well advanced.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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