News: UPDATE 3-Australian PM says Melbourne siege 'a terrorist attack', page-13

  1. 21,239 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9

    "our government is stupid, seriously, how the hell did mosques and islamic schools EVER get 'concrete to ground' in the first place? We are a christian country whether you believe or not, we are a christian country not islamic. I just don't get it."

    this is why you 'don't get it'.... (you can call the following a rant if that's your opinion - feel free to do so).

    what you see happening across the world with refugee immigration, multiculturalism, terrorism and pointless wars of invasion in the Middle East is the result of a blueprint for the destruction of Western society as you have known it. You need to understand that all modern societies are embedded in a world wide financial network from which they cannot escape - I'm referring to the debt-driven central banking system. You're wondering why I'm referring to the world banking system when your topic was mosques in a Western society? it's easy, and the answer for those who have been asleep, is the New World Order.

    The New World Order is not a conspiracy theory dreamed up by me, but a plan to deliberately change the geopolitical face of the earth by those who control the world's financial resources and who want to further tighten the control they already have over sovereign countries. Listen to the many speeches by world leaders who refer openly to the New World Order - they don't even bother to disguise their agenda anymore, they are telling us what will happen regardless of any protest from the constituents of those countries who will, in a relatively short time historically speaking, no longer recognise what their countries have become. Their traditions, their culture, their historical struggle to become what they were, will all be throw in the trash as sovereign nations are dumbed-down via non-functional education systems whilst the societal principles of the New World Order slowly but surely supercede all they previously stood for. Hence when it is asked why there are so many mosques in a Christian country, or why mass immigration of non-integrating communities is allowed to happen, why politicians are standing doing nothing, the answer is readily at hand.

    What is the chance that a single sovereign country could clean out the stables and go it alone against the New World Order? You have to remember that institutions such as the Bank of England, the Bank of France, Deutsche Bundesbank, the US Federal Reserve and other central banks are neither owned nor controlled by the governments of the countries they reside in but are private companies. Hence the situation that if one Western sovereign country wished to leave the central banking cartel to issue its own currency and determine its own social policies for instance, then its economy could and probably would be crippled overnight. All Western governments have to operate not only within the constraints of the privately owned central banking system but must adhere also to the more general societal principles laid down by those affiliated with the Central Banks in whose interest it is to engineer social policy to achieve their ultimate goal of domination via a One World Government ruled by a financial and political elite. This is not a fairy tale, it is unfolding before your eyes.

    It is not possible to deal with the individual strands of this toxic ideology called the New World Order without considering the whole. The New World Order, as it is now called, is a highly integrated, multi-faceted attack on all 'traditional' societies which has been a very long time in the making. If you are interested in the history of such things there are now thousands upon thousands of books to which you can refer, I couldn't possibly recap the history here. We are all now rabbits in the headlights facing a looming disaster. At this point I do not know what it will take to reverse this evil program. All I can say is do whatever you can to ensure that as many people as you are involved with know what is happening - spread the word at least - though it will often fall on deaf ears. This is not a time for hand wringing, you need to do something, however small your contribution, if you wish to halt the erosion of everything you thought your country stood for. It's not yet an inevitability that the New World Order will succeed....
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