AVR 3.37% $9.51 anteris technologies global corp.

CardioCel 3D - A revolution is coming., page-113

  1. 13,141 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4005
    LPE is a similar example to AHZ. As soon as it was obvious LPE really managed to achieve profitability it is climbing back to where it belongs. Same will happen here but until the profits get reported the sp will continue to slide. Those who s..t their pants by some negative comments will sell of course, those who see the fantastic fundamentals will make a killing in the lt.

    BUB is another example where BS talks by some " in the know " provided others with a small fortune already. Gold standard, unrivaled new technology plus surgeons endorsement will get AHZ over the line. Mistakes made in the past got the boat close to sinking but now its getting afloat again.
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Mkt cap ! $193.1M
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$9.35 $9.80 $9.35 $479.8K 50.26K

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1 22 $9.60

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$10.00 105 1
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Last trade - 15.57pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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