Disabled and Autistic children

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    One Nation leader Pauline Hanson is drawing fire from all sides of politics after saying autistic children should be in special classrooms because they were taking up too much of teachers’ time and holding other students back.
    The Australian

    What she actually said was
    Teachers were devoting much of their time to disabled children, to the detriment of other students in the classroom, she said.

    None of the comments that I have heard debate the truth or otherwise of the statement they all hone in on the Political Correctness of the comments.
    But obviously NO ONE is prepared to say her comments are incorrect

    Although it is a long time ago when I was in school we were all segregated, the bright children were in 1/a the next best in 1/b etc etc

    The reason was that if the brightest kids were mixed with the slowest kids they would all slow down to the lowest common denominator, I have spoken to numerous parents of bright kids and those children are being discriminated against as the slow ones get all the time and all the attention leaving the bright ones to spend their time looking out the windows waiting for the others to catch up

    The augment and the so called disgraceful speech is 100% about politics and nothing to do with the truth of the story

    What we now have in what passes for Parliament is a very few people who are prepared to tell the truth about conditions and in this case the welfare of all children and then the majority who want to protect their spot at the pig trough of free unending money
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