Did God foreknow the rebellion in Eden, page-459

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    Hi Tonio,

    You may not have notice, I said "back" in the bosom of his Father. I didn't say the only time. The point I was making was, the prologue of John 1:1-18 and how at 1:14 Jesus is referred to as the only begotten Son and how at 1:18 which is after the cross and back with the Father that he is now referred to as the only begotten god (original Greek).

    Some Bibles say, "He" and that was the point I was making, He is wrong. He makes it another being = Two.

    John 1:1 in my opinion and from much research is talking about Almighty God (the Father of Jesus) and His, Almighty God's word.
    Logos - Greek meaning - It is a Greek word meaning "a ground", "a plea", "an opinion", "an expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "to reason", "thought" etc.

    The key subject is the word - 1:1 is effectively a three part verse - (1)"In the beginning was the word" (2) "the word was with (the) God" (Almighty) (3) "And God was the word". (Greek version at 3).
    Note - At 1 it ends with the word which determines the start of 2 and you notice that 2 finishes with God, determining the start of 3.
    So the emphases is on the word and then in no uncertain terms, lets you know who it belongs to and there is only ONE "The God" (Almighty).

    So quite plain and simply, in the beginning we had God with his thought, plan, reasoning etc (with Jesus in mind), it was in him, his inner which OBVIOUSLY is him.
    Acts 15:18 Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world = In Him!

    1:2 The same (not He) was in the beginning with God. The same here is God and his plans etc mentioned above before he expressed it out via his word and Spirit to make it happen and confirmation follows in the next verse. Your inner you and your words are you = one in the same.
    1:3 All things were made by him, and without him; and without him was not anything made that was made.
    Confirmation Heb 11:3 Through faith we understand the worlds were frame by the word of God.

    2 Kings 19:15 Part thereof – thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth; thou hast made heaven and earth. Note, God alone.

    Neh 9:6 – Thou, even thou, art Lord alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their hosts, the earth and all things that are therein, the seas and all things that are therein, and thou preservest them all; and the hosts of heaven worship thee.

    This word as God promised the prophets, I will put my words in him (Jesus) and command him what to say, Jesus brought with him and spoke them ex - The words I speak (The Fathers) are Spirit and life. God is a Spirit and John 1:4 In Him (God the Father) is life; and the life was the light of men. Jesus said the likes of "God created them male and female".
    And you will see in the OT the likes of "God was the light to their feet etc.

    Jesus tells us in John - I am come a light into the world. He come to finish the Fathers works, brought his Fathers word and banner/torch, The Light of his Father and much more.
    Rev shows us God is the light and Jesus is the light shinning of.
    1 John 1:5 Tells us, God is light.
    So Jesus spoke this word in John, (God's) so you can not be some else's word you speak. He was rewarded in a sense as he was given the name the word of God rev 19:13.

    So ask the question, WHY and supposedly in God's name, would man change the meaning of "word" just in John???
    And just to hoodwink people even more, add a capital letter "W" when the Greek didn't use them???

    Jesus does say, the truth will set you free I believe he will also provide it as well, but one will need to want it and really be prepared to do battle to get it, as sad as that sounds, it is fact.
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