AVR 0.21% $9.39 anteris technologies global corp.

Adapt growth accelerates, page-66

  1. 512 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 64
    any one got any news on how Vascucel and Neo performed last FY? It appears to be conveniently group under Adapt, my suspicion is not gained expected traction
    however would like to be enlightened from some company groupie in the know.....

    I would prefer if management could just get 100% focused on delivering topline SP peformance, this tweeting between each other is not what I want from management.
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Mkt cap ! $190.6M
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$9.49 $9.49 $9.16 $99.64K 10.71K

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1 2768 $9.02

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$9.40 110 1
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Last trade - 15.39pm 29/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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