GXY 0.00% $5.28 galaxy resources limited

Depth on Close 4/8/17, page-12

  1. vmp
    13,837 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9460
    Like some increasing number of people, I'm losing interest in short term sp fluctuations due to the ability of shorters to manipulate SP by a unbelievably huge trading range. But the essential ingredients for a better sp keep coming for Gxy. The next 2 qtrs will be significant as we can make 20-25 million profits for 2 consecutive quarters, which satisfy the criteria for some fund managers. (Likely SP $3.50-$4 by Jan 2018 in line with analysts such as Connacord's target.) After that, I think the mcap, barring spikes due to temporary and unjustified excitements, will be hampered until JB and SDV will get firm devt/production timeframes, or alternatively until Gxy starts paying at least 5% dividend yield. Many investors who live off dividends, some with huge monies, can invest accordingly. Dividend will in theory stabilise the sp and help support a mcap that represents a more respectable PE. If Gxy starts paying dividend, it will signal the market we're a going concern, will convey a positive sentiment for MC, a message like we may have only 10 years MC LOM but we're so confident we will be able to increase the resource in one way or another, which is why we're rewarding shareholders as early as now. (Nil dividend in the last 10 years, isn't it about time gxy starts paying one?) Looking forward to 31 Jan 2018. I have a feeling we will be $3.50-$4.00 but no guarantees. AT and friends don't need dividends in view of their 4 million bonus shares (20 million each pre-consolidation), but retail investors do need dividends.
    Last edited by vmp: 05/08/17
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