MTL 0.00% 0.1¢ mantle minerals limited

Ann: Lida Valley Results & Drilling Commenced at Columbus Marsh, page-110

  1. 606 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 82
    Just a friendly reminder to all those that have been rattled by our recent shortcomings. We have multiple opportunities. i.e Lithium projects 1. Lida Valley 2. Muddy Mountain 3. Scotty South + Sarcobatus Flats 4. Columbus Marsh 5. New King Lithium Clay. Nickel Projects 1. Pardoo 2. Supernova. Sure we had a couple of swings and a miss events. However we are nowhere near calling this stock a dead horse. So many opportunities for the sp to head north and very limitied room to head south. I like those odds. I mean if they can make mayweather vs mcgregor happen then cad surely has a much better chance of being successful . IMHO. DYOR.
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