NOR 0.00% 3.3¢ norwood systems limited

Ann: Annual Report to shareholders, page-6

  1. 3,463 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1556
    I can't even be bothered reading it!
    We know the non holders will spend hours trawling through it, and posting on the thread of a stock they don't hold.. won't that be exciting!

    1 thing I did notice on a quick scroll through..
    Looks like the R&D has increased from $800,000 to $920,000
    ..and the comment "advanced stage customer discussions with healthy forward looking sales pipelines for both enterprise and carrier clients"
    Telco deals awaiting WiFi?

    Now lets wait and see why the big players are loading up lately.

    Explacly.. you win the first stupid post award!
    I suggest doing some research.. some recent contracts starting to generate $.. and $920k R&D.
    Keep up the great work champ
    Last edited by Holla: 28/08/17
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1 25000 2.8¢

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3.3¢ 99997 1
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