Tony Abbott is Liberals only Hope

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    Tony Abbott is Liberals’ only hope as voters stray from Malcolm Turnbull
    Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun
    September 3, 2017 6:00pm
    Subscriber only
    PARLIAMENT returns tomorrow, and so does the Turnbull government’s hell: more bad polls, no hope, and lousy leadership.
    It can’t go on like this. When will Liberal MPs face facts? The government is in huge trouble, and that won’t change soon.

    For instance, the High Court this week starts hearings into the legality of the same-sex marriage plebiscite.
    If it rules the postal vote unconstitutional, given parliament has not voted to pay for it, Turnbull will be humiliated.
    Next month, the High Court will also hear whether five MPs, including Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, must quit for being dual nationals when elected.
    This could cost the government its one-seat majority but until then, the uncertainty alone is deadly.
    Meanwhile, debt keeps rising, living standards go sideways, unemployment stays high and electricity prices have doubled. Voters are cranky and Canberra offers nothing likely to make their lives easier.
    Take power prices. The government doesn’t even have a policy yet. Blame Turnbull, a ditherer and global warmist trying to cut both our emissions and power bills. It’s terrible politics.
    Consider: ministers argue the Finkel report’s recommended 42.5 per cent clean energy target
    is better than Labor’s 50 per cent. Who even understands that difference? Who’s even listening?
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