Rohingyas - Here we go, page-14

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    I wonder if Myanmar is moving out the Rohingya Muslims before the USA can move in ISIS.
    Oil and gas pipelines through Myanmar to China allow China to get oil more directly from the Gulf states without it having to ship through the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea, so it's important to China that Myanmar remains stable.
    (April 11, 2017)


    "A crude pipeline to southwestern China through its neighbor Myanmar began operations after years of delays, allowing the world’s second-biggest oil user to receive supplies faster from the Middle East and Africa.

    A Suezmax-sized tanker, which can hold 140,000 metric tons (about 1 million barrels) of crude, began offloading oil for the pipeline on Monday at Myanmar’s Made Island, according to China’s official Xinhua News Agency. Operations on the line, which was completed in 2014 and originally scheduled to start the same year, are beginning after the government of Myanmar agreed to lower transit fees, Wang Dongjin, president of PetroChina Co., said last month.

    The link, which allows China to import crude from the Middle East and Africa without having to ship through the Straits of Malacca and into the South China Sea, is part of President Xi Jinping’s "One Belt, One Road" infrastructure and trade development plan stretching across Asia to Africa and Europe.

    Myanmar .png

    'It may send a message to those countries that are still hesitating about whether to participate that the initiative is China’s top national strategy and can bring economic benefits to participants,' said Fan Hongwei, an international relations professor at Xiamen University who specializes in Myanmar.

    The pipeline ends in China’s Yunnan province, where PetroChina has built an oil refinery with the capacity to process 13 million tons a year (about 261,000 barrels a day) of crude. China’s biggest oil and gas company is in talks with Saudi Arabian Oil Co. about investing in the plant, which will begin operations in June, Wang said last month."


    ZeroHedge specifically mentions that George Soros could be involved with the destabilisation of Myanmar for several reasons, including the oil and gas pipelines.
    (Authored by Shelley Kasli via,  Sep 11, 2017)


    "When George Soros comes to this or that country... he looks for religious, ethnic or social contradictions, chooses the model of action for one of these options or their combination and tries to 'warm them up', Egorchenkov explained...

    The ongoing crisis in Myanmar including tensions between Buddhist and Muslim communities and the military crackdown by Myanmar Army and police seems to be a multidimensional crisis with major geopolitical players involved according to a report by Sputnik International.

    As per the report Dmitry Mosyakov, director of the Centre for Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told RT that the conflict “was apparently fanned by external global players” and “has at least three dimensions”.

    “First, this is a game against China, as China has very large investments in Arakan [Rakhine],” Mosyakov told RT.

    “Second, it is aimed at fuelling Muslim extremism in Southeast Asia….

    Third, it’s the attempt to sow ** within ASEAN [between Myanmar and Muslim-dominated Indonesia and Malaysia].”

    The conflict is mostly concentrated in the country’s northwestern region in the Rakhine State which consists of vast reserves of hydrocarbons located offshore. This vast reserve of hydrocarbon is the major reason why external players are using the conflict to undermine Southeast Asian stability, according to Mosyakov.

    “There’s a huge gas field named Than Shwe after the general who had long ruled Burma,” Mosyakov said.
    In 2004 this massive Rakhine energy reserves were discovered and by 2013 China had connected Myanmar’s port of Kyaukphyu with the Chinese city of Kunming in Yunnan province with oil and natural gas pipelines. Through this oil pipeline China can bypass the world’s most congested shipping choke points – the Malacca Straits, while through the gas pipeline hydrocarbons from Myanmar’s offshore fields are transported to China.

    The development of the Sino-Myanmar energy project coincided with the intensification of the Rohingya conflict in 2011-2012 when 120,000 asylum seekers left the country escaping the bloodshed.

    Dmitry Egorchenkov, deputy director of the Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognosis at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia doesn’t believe that this is a coincidence. Although there are certain internal causes behind the Rohingya crisis, Dmitry believes that the crisis might be fueled by external players, most notably, George Soros.

    By destabilizing Myanmar they could directly target China’s energy projects.
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