Science has found Mr Gordon's SOUL & all others as well, page-15

  1. 23,633 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    The part of my post you quote = hmmm, my word order was rather shocking, obviously in to much of a rush this morning as we had to look at a house of one of the potential builders we may use.

    No I'm not saying or suggesting soul and spirit are one in the same.
    You say the soul is the whole you, package. (I think that's what you said) if so, that includes the brain and hence it thinks.
    The verse I quoted clearly talks of mans spirit thinking, has thoughts. Now that spirit although from God is not the Holy Spirit.
    So effectively, there are two thinkers haha.

    You say Jesus before coming was a Spirit, we know that was not or couldn't be the Holy Spirit and we know he also received within, the Holy Spirit at his Baptism.

    As for the renewing of your existing spirit = the same one is perfected or improved and that is done with the help of God's Spirit dwelling with yours. Hence put off the fleshy and put on the Spiritual.
    But one has to be careful in comparing OT & NT verses in this area (not saying your wrong using these verses).

    While you are in your Unity mindset, these areas, we will probably never reach common ground.
    How you understand the comforter subject with the Unity thought, I have no idea?
    To me it seems to you, it's ALL a mind alone transformation, on your own. If that be the case, IMO your in troubled waters.
    I hope I'm wrong with my guestimation here.
    Don't suggest my thoughts are from trinity land as you should know me be now, I follow no man.
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