If we won't listen to Children of SSM who will we listen to??, page-72

  1. 14,681 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 60
    While you maybe knowledgeable is some area`s Kates9999--the girls is 5 yrs old??
    So lets go through what a 5 yrs old can do??
    Can the 5 yrs old cook her own meals??
    Can the 5 yrs tie her own shoe laces??
    Does the 5 yrs old watch-Dora?Banana in PJ??
    My own daughter was a tomb boy and had rough edges at 3/4 yrs old!
    Wanted boy toys at Mc Donalds?
    Now at 8 yrs old still watches banana in PJ ALONG WITH OTHER CARTOONS!
    Only wants girls toys--unless already has them from Mc Donalds!
    Yet you in all your wisdom and perhaps childless and making view from what you
    see in a 24 hr cycle with the parents for one days thinks the child knows whats best???
    Good grief the age of consent in not until 16 yrs old why is that???????????????
    Yet you think they can judge their sexuality at 5 yrs old?
    My old dog use to lick the cats--does not mean she felt like a cat??
    When attack by other dogs on a walk when on a restrain,
    I allowed my dog top roam free and prevent the attack--and showed that in fact she was a dog and not a pussy!!
    I know I not here to guide you as you feel you are already put down by men and vented by yourself previous post,
    yet your thoughts on 5 yr olds knowing what sex they are,,what career they want--appear to be mis-guided!
    I do hope you and your partner do feel like by others,as been in the same situation myself,
    although I did address it in another way. I just told my wife don`t worry what others think,
    as others did not marry you! Even though my wife was over 30 was worried what others thought.
    Rather than tell 5 yrs olds if you feel like a boy or a boy like a girl just do what adults are suppose to do.
    Look after them,love them,feed them,educate them,care for them--then allow them to make the decisions with an inform knowledge when they are older!
    What is the legal age of consent again ??16 yrs old I guess their was a reason for this?
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