Spot the difference, page-26

  1. 23,469 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Thanks for your reply.
    And I must say, full marks and credit for not just taking the two verses I referenced to on this one aspect of my post, in isolation.
    I also hope you didn't think I only quoted these two to use them for another purpose than what they are intended.
    Often when I write to you, I have assumed you are well up to speed with the surrounds of the verses I quote.
    I also expect, the Bible on the overall, you remembrance or knowledge of much of it, is well ahead of mine.

    My mission and priority which is and will always be from the Bible, is for God's truth to come out and not wotsup's thoughts and opinions.
    Rehash my pet project - I can assure you, my pet project, "The Word" is wrapped up in and includes the entire Bible, so if that's not an area you want to cover, I find that very sad.
    Now just so you understand, at times I may write "the word" in this manor and the reason being, from the Greek "we" have not any justification to ever right the word, word with a capital W. it should be written with either ALL capitals or ALL lower case.
    Never the less, when you see it written as "the word", by placing "the" in front of something, it is the same or has the same meaning as writing as such - Word. A bit like "The" God.

    You say my mind is made up, I will put it to you, IT is NOT my mind, but what is written, so "I" don't have a choice in the matter!
    So here is my position and that I believe is the same as the scientists, the evidence we have, strongly supports this and that view, so until another comes along, this is what we say is the truth.
    So believe you me, if you have Bible evidence that shows something else, my view will change, but until then, it like that irremovable Rock that we see in The OT which as you know show up in the NT, the corner stone, foundation etc.

    How do you say the Father calls them/us? - So I will conclude from your post that your answer is - God calls us, draws us in by his word!
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