National Blame Day - Nov 15th

  1. 1,353 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 106
    The ssm conversation will change at 11.30am on Wednesday 15th November.
    One side will have lost and one side will have won.
    It's basic Human nature for people who have experienced a loss to comfort themselves by apportioning blame. Where that blame is directed will depend on which side loses the vote. Having either the yes or no voters blaming each other or the Libs or Lab or certain individuals or the media (the list goes on) will only be distractions from identifying the responsible group. Irrespective of which side the blame comes from, all the blame lays wholly and solely in the lap of one group. This group possesses enormous powers and funding enabling it to influence various levels of government, national media, social media, educational institutions, justice systems and as a flow on, a large percentage of the general population. This is the group that authored this current push for ssm and rallied the yes troops with the claim that by far the vast majority of Aussies are pro ssm thus giving them the drive to fight the fight with a belief of guaranteed victory.
    That group is the Dark Cloud that's currently hiding behind and fuelling the rainbow.
    The Dark Cloud has used the gay community to further its own agenda, of which ssm was only ever one necessary step in their overall plan. This same Dark Cloud would work against any community group that was a hindrance to its goals, even the gay community if necessary.
    If the yes vote is successful the no camp will probably blame the mechanism that facilitated and heavily funded the highly visable and what would be highly successful yes campaign and continue to fight the many battles that will come their way, where they feel society's standards and morals are being threatened, eroded or breached.
    If the no vote wins the consequences I fear will be extremely damaging. Younger more impressionable and vulnerable gays will feel they have been lied to and deceived by the gay community leadership (who probably believed the Dark Cloud's propaganda themselves). Children who have been used in protests and children who have been told by their same sex parents that most Aussies love their type of family and want them to get married will feel they have been lied to and deceived by those parents and the community in which they live. All those older gays who have had their hopes built up in the belief the nation was behind them will have issues of disbelief, disappointment, and anger to deal with when they realise they were only ever pawns in a much bigger game.
    So ultimately who will be to blame?
    Whichever group loses, the blame will lay fully with the mysterious Dark Cloud that fed and powered the rainbow.
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