smashed, page-5

  1. 435 Posts.
    Muckypup... there is no value in flaying your investment advisor. MCL has a history over the last 6 months of cycles of going up for a few weeks, and then down for a few weeks. Each cycle has been higher than the last. The price has tripled in 6 months.

    This cycle is no different, except that it coincided with the market downturn.

    Hang in there, man! As I've posted many times before... this stock is not a uranium stock. It is an emerging international telecommunications wholesaler. In the next few years the entire industry will move rapidly towards Internet-based telecommunications, and our good friend MCL will be well placed to profit immensly from that move. As you yourself would have read, there are tier-1 telcos lined up wanting to buy more capacity for MCL. MCL is now making a profit from Vietnam.

    Rather than kick the carp out of your advisor, I would suggest that you would be better advised to sit tight and avoid the tendency to trade the stock. Put it in the bottom drawer for six to twelve months.

    Once MCL has demonstrated a succesful model for their operation, do you seriously think that they will not be gobbled up by one of the big players? Most likely, that will turn out to be one of their tier-1 customers.

    Rather than go through the time and expense of setting up the necessary infrastructure, the big boys will simply wait until MCL has got it up and running successfully, and then pounce.

    Put a note in your diary to post me in six months time to tell me if you think I was right or wrong.
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