TAM 0.00% 2.8¢ tanami gold nl

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  1. 8,382 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 931

    Mate, back-filling stopes is always a preferred option - provides significant cost-savings and can provide ground stability. It depends on the orebody width and the mining sequence.

    Generally you would need to develop to the base of a mining block and mine a bottom-up sequence - cashflow would be restricted to level development ore before production kicked in.

    Don't know about DOM, but sounds like a nice wide orebody that can fit in all the waste generated - no wonder the cash costs are $315/oz

    Large ore tonnages per vertical metre - easier, lower cost and less riskier to mine than narrow orebodies.

    DOM and TAM are different beasts
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Mkt cap ! $32.90M
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2.8¢ 2.8¢ 2.8¢ $4.2K 150K

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1 180000 2.8¢

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3.0¢ 323288 3
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Last trade - 10.08am 24/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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