BIG 0.00% $2.22 burrendong minerals limited

Ann: Big Un Limited Partnership with HotCopper Holdings Ltd, page-149

Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 31 JANUARY 2025 12:00 PM AEDT ##
  1. 2,025 Posts.
    Another great post.
    Would much rather listen to a Chartered Accountant than just anybody.

    You are basing on current and past figures largely on their Australian business which is all good but what really gets me excited is their very recent opening of an office in the US, that mkt is "Mind Blasting".
    I recall Brendon back in February (SP 16 cents) saying that revenue will be $900,000 then and adding that is their next big mkt.
    Well, in the past 2 months they have been spending much of their time over there and now established a new office.

    Look at a very similar /identical American business called Yelp....enough said.
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