URANIUM 1.02% $24.70 uranium futures

uranium not easy to discuss rationally, page-11

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    I understand where you're coming from, Ersoteric, about Bush's war on Iraq (with Iran and Syria next) as you've made that crystal clear.

    But I don't think that working yourself into a lather of rage and indignation helps you (or me) live long, happy and useful lives - nor does it solve what is essentially nobody's business to solve - except the poor sods who live in the Middle-East.

    My position is simple to understand but hard to accept:

    It's their patch of dirt - not ours!

    And if they want to soak it in each other's blood (instead of living in brotherly harmony) adding our blood to the cauldron hardly constitutes a 'solution' to the Middle-East crisis.

    Folk native to the Middle-East (plus past and present English-speaking invaders, colonists, carpet-baggers, spies, spivs, crusaders and adventures) are also working themselves in to a lather of rage and indignation about *my* testosterone being God-Given and *your* testosretone being the work of the Devil.

    This replicates the insane Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic pogroms in Eupope of several centuries ago - with the various players in the Middle-East feeling they must act *now* to neuter the other side before it removes the generative organs that produce their God-given testosterone and right to rule the barnyard.

    I don't see any good people and bad people in the Middle-East .

    What I see are roosters (on religious steroids) strutting and fighting because each rooster believes that *he* (and he alone) is the 'Clock of the Walk' and God has ordained that all the hens, power and oil in the region belong to Me, Me, Me!

    Not that I can cop reincarnation any more than I can cop resurrection, but the more I see of the Three Great Desert Religions (strutting for supremacy) the better Buddhism looks as it has no deity to fight for.

    I have enough problems getting through this life (and complying with Costello's 'Tax Pack') without worrying about mullahs, rabbis, priests, parsons, the Pentagon and securing a box-seat in the 'hereafter'.

    Life is mostly froth and bubble;
    Two things stand like stone,
    Kindness in another's trouble,
    Courage in your own.

    Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 - 1870)
    Australian poet.

    When all else fails...

    ... try group therapy.
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