Satan in the bible, page-2

  1. 34,943 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    satan as a personal name it would seem wasnt mentioned in the ot.

    the serpents name we do not know however we can glean from further on into the ot and then into the nt (which wasnt written yet so when jesus referred to satan (get thee behind me satan; satan tempted him in the wilderness) he was still in the old testament).

    the hebrew word used in that passage (referring to the garden of eden) when referring to the serpent was "ha nachash" which means "serpant" or "shining one". nachash is an adjective meaning "bright" as in light/shining

    in the ot it is used in hebrew by "ha satan" - not a personal pronoun but an adverb or maybe an adjective and means "the accuser"

    the noun "nachash" carries the meaning of one who practices divination. hebrew adjectives can be converted into a noun which is called substantivised

    so the meaning of the word is "shining one" - see ez 28; is 14

    the best method of finding out what the ot means is to view it from a jewish perspective and from the original language, apart from revelation
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