SSM. Thanks to Abbott people had a say

  1. 46,458 Posts.
    Same-sex marriage: Thanks to Abbott, the people have had their say on marriage

    There are only two nations where the introduction of same-sex marriage was widely celebrated as an affirmation of equality by the LGBTI community, namely Ireland and Australia. There was much less public excitement when same-sex marriage was legalised by a parliament (Britain) or legitimised by a court (US).
    It may be unfashionable to say so but the person primarily responsible for the celebrations on Wednesday was Tony Abbott. Sure, Abbott was opposed to same-sex marriage when he was prime minister and played a leading role in the recent No campaign.
    However, even if between September 2013 and September 2015 Abbott had favoured changing the definition of marriage, he could not have obtained support of the Liberal partyroom or the Nationals. In short, until this week, the Coalition was not ready to legislate this particular cause.
    The Labor governments led by Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd did nothing about same-sex marriage despite the fact that on this issue they enjoyed majority support in both houses, thanks to the Greens and some independents.
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