Short Term Trading Week Starting: 20 November, page-212

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    Educational Products (Special Needs Students)

    MC 51m
    SP 11c
    SOI 517m

    Apologies in advance for the links - there really is a lot to say about this company, and I don’t want to just cut and paste page of text like some - have a look if you have any interest.

    Secondly I know this is STT, but I am tipping not only because I think SP is headed north in near term but long term I think this company has a very unique potential (and frankly it’s a great investment in an Aus company doing some really good work in the world).

    KNeoMedia (KNM) is an online education publishing company that delivers world-class game-based learning programs to global educational markets.
    see for a full overview.

    Some key points;
    -current business model is very efficient and has good economyof scale ($50 per user license p.a., each sale means overheads per license are less and profit margin is exponential)
    -alreay at 14,000 licences in current new york district (almost saturated) has the company at posive cash flow
    -product is demonstrated
    -demand is proven (including resubscriptions)
    -no competitors
    -CR few weeks ago to raise $4m for strategic growth strategy, so plenty of cash on hand and potential no future CRs needed (ever)
    -expansion strategy to new districts in new york, new stats in US, and new countries (Aus, Phillipines) with interest already generated throughout
    -management team is absolutely professional and running a very smooth operation, constant shareholder communications, haven’t skipped a beat, and all sales targets have been met or exveeded all year.

    For latest investor presos;

    In summary, very mature management, unique product, attractive business model (cash flow positive), solid growth strategy, low risk, mid to long term enermous exponential upside potential, short term possibly has a bag in it depending how good upcoming announcements are.

    Not the typical HC or STT stock, but I encourage checking it out, even if just to suss out something new.

    Disclosure, held. Sorry the tip sounds a bit rampy. Sorry for post structure, on phone.
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