Frank Turek PhD..., page-66

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    Wotsup, neither Jesus nor any other human is made immortal until after their mortal body dies. Flesh and bones can never be immortal as the word means indestructible. That spirit persons can take on bodies of flesh and blood is well established in the Scriptures. They can become flesh and bone = Fact. - Genesis 6:4; 19:1-3; Hebrews 13:1.

    We know in Jesus's case he died, but now through him or because of him;
    1 Thes 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them (those that died) in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the clouds.
    So there is absolutely nothing in this verse that even hints at them having to die and we CANNOT, imply or add to verses.
    Jesus went out of his way to make the point, "a Spirit" does NOT have flesh and bones.
    Likewise, he heard Thomas was doubting, so he told him, to feel, touch him etc.

    Phil 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it maybe fashioned like unto his glorious body,.................Same body.
    Nothing whatsoever about killing you first or you will die first = Zero.

    Why do you claim what I am suggesting, when I have done no such thing? Jesus died once only. He was resurrected as a spirit person, not "with a new spirit".

    Well,,,,,, YOU claimed he was a Spirit prior to Mary and I said, you can't prove that from the Bible.
    However, if he was a Spirit, Angel prior, Luke 20:36 Neither can they die any more; for they are equal unto the angles.
    Jesus was made lower than angels and considering God's foreknown plans, Jesus being slain before the foundation of the world, certainly suggests he was Not an angel beforehand. To suggest otherwise, is to suggest God didn't know what he was doing and had to redo things, I don't think sooooooo!
    Note: he was "made" lower, so don't bother trying to use the verse that says, "he emptied himself" as they are two totally different subjects. Someone (God) "made" him lower and the other, Jesus did.

    So if he was a Spirit angel, he couldn't suffer death.
    So if you suggest Jesus is Micheal, your saying he didn't really die, because spirit/angels can't die.

    You have discussed the DIA subject - If memory serves me correct, last time you found a minor error in my writings, you latched onto to that, appeared to use it as a decoy, and you never followed up my reply.

    So the crutch of it is - When the Bible says, "by" Jesus things were created, the "by" term has Zero footings, cannot be used according to the Greek.
    DIA = through, on account of, be reason of, for the sake of, because of = All these reasons or a key part of, is why God created.
    So the way in which we should read and understand the "through" here, is "clearly" defined, set out when you consider ALL the options as shown here. We can't turn a blind eye to them and say, they don't exist.
    AND THIS is well and truly confirmed by the numerous OT verses where many of them say, "God ALONE" created.
    Hence in God's foreknown plans, Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God Rev 3:14, Slain in this plan before the foundations of the world, Rev. In this Mind/plan of God's, Jesus was the firstborn of creation Col 1:15.
    And the Bible tell us, this was the mystery of God for many (Col 1:26) and this plan of the future Jesus, was HID "IN" God, Eph 3:9 UNTIL Gal 4:4 But when the fullness of time was come (not before and nothing before other than a plan/mystery), God sent forth his Son, "made" of a woman, "made" under the law.
    And this is what David, Abraham and all, Expected, no more and No less.

    Sent forth - John 17:18 As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.
    The timing here is around John 1:14 and after his Baptism.

    And this is all without even bringing in the Greek's meaning of Logos, as that "also" fits in perfectly with the areas I have covered he, Like it or not = Facts.
    LOGOS = It is a Greek word meaning "a ground", "a plea", "an opinion", "an expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "to reason", and obviously thought is part of it as well.
    Your word begins in you as in, God first creation thought was for a Son who was already slain in the mind/plan of God, an expectation, reasoning, because of etc.

    Well there you go Mr G, a bit more than the Spirit subject.
    Would you like to comment on all points, show support verses for your views if you disagree?
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