how stupid can denial get?, page-161

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 214
    On Dr John Theo:

    Theon falsely claimed he was Hansen's supervisor. He was part of the program and budget office and was responsible for getting budget approval for a subset of programs, including GISS budgets and hence for Hansen's work. The pair met several times, but did not work together in any significant sense.
    So he had some familiarity with the science, but was not directly involved and most definitely did not supervise any of Hansen's scientific work. He did not conduct Hansen's performance reviews, for example.
    And you'd not expect a program and budget HQ department member to be carrying out performance reviews for science work. Hansen and Theon operated out of separate locations.

    So not off to a good start in that his position is being falsely presented.


    Now I have looked around for the basis and evidence for Theon's opinions. I cannot find evidence anywhere for the grounds on which he claims scientists doctored data inappropriately. We get solely his unsupported "opinion".

    I am all ears for science that proves global warming is false and is imminently, publicly, about to be shown to be false. All our work on EVs and renewable energy will be thrown out in a blaze of change. I'd be selling a bunch of my investments overnight. But I'd want to check any such claims out carefully.
    But I can't. Because I cannot find anything where he substantively backs up his claims.

    And this was from back in ... 2009, eight years ago. No-one seems to have taken this guy seriously!

    So, jopo, did you simply believe what Theon says, with no scepticism?

    You'll have done your good skeptical homework, I'm sure. So tell us:
    Which studies does he claim were doctored? In what way? What is his evidence for saying that? He canp't be talking about temperature record adjustment, because the mechanisms and scientific reasoning for that are all public, and he claims this was all disguised and not made public.
    I've spent probably 15 minutes googling for anything like that from him, and found ... nothing ...

    I would presume that you have already looked closely into the basis for his opinion, jopo, as a good skeptic, and have that information at hand. It would be great if you could post that.


    He makes comment about the grid scale of the models, but there is plenty of discussion in the science on why heat balance models, such as Hansen's original simple models, are useful to forecast longer term global warming. And how those predictions square well with evidence of paleo-historic CO2 levels and temperatures. Plus Hansen's early simple models have proved remarkably accurate. Observations are consistent with the predictions of Hansen's early simple models.

    You need finer grid scales to predict regional and local climate impacts of an overall warming world. You need that to be able to predict ocean current and oscillation effects on climate - all that natural variability. But you don't need that to predict an underlying warming trend due to heat balance impacts of CO2.
    I can't see any justification from Theon for his claim regarding grid scale.
    And that claim, given the science, seems stupid.


    Always open minded, but it just looks to me that you've been suckered into another flimsy denialist opinion, and are appealing to a falsified authority, from the guy who claims to be but was not Hansen's supervisor.

    Over to you to provide some substance to this guys opinions.

    Otherwise, just another example of the thread title - how stupid can denial be.
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