julia gillard on lateline last night

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    Did anyone see our Jules on Lateline last night?

    Yes? well, you thought you did! (HA HA!)

    But, you see - this Labor Party are terribly clever. They're so far ahead of the rest.

    You see, the REAL Julia is really beavering away in her office as we speak.

    What you saw is actually a superb secret weapon.
    It is a computerised version of Julia - made by a genius - and they wheel it around to all the interviews. No one can tell the difference from the real thing!
    It's a bewdy!

    They are going to patent the invention and mass produce it downtrack. Then they can run an election campaign by remote - and get on with the real stuff!

    You wheel it in - and the interviewer asks a question.
    The wheels start whizzing around (so quickly you can't pick up a fractional delay, and a couple of squeaks) - and right, as soon as it's presented with, say, question type 8 - page 9812 - level 7 - catergory a 1003 - i.e. "come up with economy opinion" -wheels spin faster - and "it" produces a brilliant answer.
    Well, one that souinds good anyway.

    Now trials proved that in 97% of cases this may indeed be the correct answer - or pretty close to it anyway.
    (But they won't know the difference is the thinking!)

    So out pops the answer - quick as a flash!! Boy, this machine has the whole thing down pat. It has an answer for absolutely everthing!

    The one problem, though, is that the answers are all timed to run a minumum 3 minutes - not a second less -(the theory being - bore them enough and their eyes glaze over) - yes, not one second shorter - (it can, however, be tweaked to be longer).

    SO, if the interviewer is in a hurry - this results in the replica speaking across the top of the interviewer until the answer runs out. This happens quite often with this Jules proto-type. They are trying to refine it.

    But it has all the answers - all neatly filed in their compartments. Boy, you've got to give it to these inventors - and the Labor Party! It did look just like her!!
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