costello just slaughtered, page-54

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    no it doesn't
    Atomou -

    and I'm an English major!

    But if you want the last word - you have it.

    Think what you like. I don't really care.

    Your views - and those of most here with entrenched left wing views - dominate this forum anyway. Which doesn't make you all right. And I donlt claim to be right in asll aspects either. But lots of talk and little substance is doing well for Rudd and co. Just keep up the slogans, mantras, and me-toos, smile a lot, and then we've got 'em. And then Rudd will proceed to bore us to death for the next few years - and we will get to see and know the real Rudd. Perish the thought.

    Yep -we'll all have to suffer Rudd, Gillard, and the tyranny of wall to wall Labor - a dicatorship of sorts.
    With Rudd at the helm. And Swann at the purse - being expansive with the loot the Libs have carefully clawed back since Labor last made a mess of things. Talk about a vicious circle.

    Happened in Victoria too. Victoria - a basket case under Cain and Kirner (she wasn't even elected).

    Kennett comes in and cleans up the mess - and builds up a strong economy. Labor get back in, and then start the spending - looking good courtesy the huge Kennett surplus - which was enormous.

    I feel sick at the prospect of an all Labour nation.
    Where then are the checks and balances.

    (perhaps you don't recognise the elusive quality "class" Atomou because there's not much of it around any more! It's a very rare attribute - I guess to sum it up it has lots to do with character - and nothing whatever to do with status.)

    Hope you all read the Andrew Bolt worm article in yesterdays Herald Sun - re his take on a very manipulated and wriggly worm! Dirty tricks afoot - you bet!

    Dow red just now - wish they'd get it together over in the US.

    Good day everyone!
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